His Dark Side

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The next morning was the same as the first. Guards came in to take to two of you off to the experimentation room, Bucky went to his chair, you went to your table, and the experiments began. Bucky's wiping moved up to ten minutes today, and if he survived then tomorrow would be fifteen. You hoped he would still have some of his memories by the end of the week. The two of you didn't speak today, you had to get Hydra's timing down for the plan to work. You both found a way out, a door that never had more than two guards at a time, they could easily be taken out. All you guys needed now was to understand the guards schedules, get to where you need to be before they showed up in their directed area.

You were broken from your thoughts when Zola walked in, he began writing on his clip board like always. He walked over to you first, deciding to already start injecting you with the serums laid out for you. By the third injection you could no longer stay quiet, you needed to scream, it burnt more than any of the others he had given you. If looks could kill, Zola would be six feet under from the daggers Bucky was glaring at him. You saw a twitch in his hands, he wanted to help you, it destroyed him to see you in so much pain, in any pain really, but he knew he needed to stay put.

Zola took notice of this and decided to try and get a bigger reaction out of Bucky like the day before. "What's wrong Mr. Barnes? Has our little monster finally shown her true self to you?" He twitched at the very word, Bucky knew what he was up to, he needed to resist. "She was always special James, but once Shmidt brought her in, once I was able to begin experimenting on her, she became stronger. She became exactly what Hydra needed to thrive. But, unfortunately for this little demon, we will have no further use for her once your process is complete. That completeness will be tested with her, I hope you're ready to watch your last friend die at your own hand Barnes, it will be marvelous."

He injected more serum in you, each one hurting more than the last but you did your best to stay strong for Bucky. That strength was short lived when the finale syringe was jammed into your neck, Zola wanted to hurt you this time, he knew it would get the reaction he wanted out of Bucky, he knew it would break him. You screamed out in pain once again, louder and more strained this time, your breathing became ragged and your body began to shake. This was unusual for you, normally your body could handle any serum they gave you, but this one put you over the edge.

Bucky watched as your body began to rapidly shake and you began to gasp for air. If he hadn't been strapped to the chair, he would have killed every Hydra agent in the room, starting with Zola. "What the hell did you do to her?" He asked through his teeth, clenching his fists as he tried to call himself.

"She is feeling death Sargent, she should be thanking us for preparing her. At least now, the feeling will be familiar, when it comes by your own hand that is." Zola stated wickedly, he watches as you were still struggling for your breath, and clearly in pain. Your eyes began to roll back as you began to lose consciousness. The serum wouldn't kill you, but you wouldn't exactly be waking up again for awhile. As your eyes finally closed, and your head hit the table with a thud, Bucky reached his breaking point.

"No!" He screamed, trying to break out of his chair. His metal arm broke free and he used it to his advantage quickly, he broke his other hand free and began to stand. One of the guards was about to hit Bucky on the head with his baton, but Bucky caught it with his metal arm and turned his head to glare at the guard. In the blink of an eye Bucky broke the guards arm and knocked him unconscious. He began charging towards Zola, beating any guard that stood in his way. The alarm had already been sounded and more guards were on their way, but that wouldn't stop Bucky from trying to get in some sweet revenge.

Zola ran behind your table, using your unconscious form as a shield from his attacker. "She's still alive Sargent, I assure you!" He yelled. Bucky stopped dead in his tracks, he thought that when your eyes closed you had actually died, he didn't know that the serum would only bring you to the brink of death, not actually kill you. His eyes widened when he saw your chest just barely rise and fall at an incredibly slow pace. It was true, you were still alive, but that didn't change his mind on getting revenge on Zola. He hurt you regardless and needed to feel pain of his own.

He charged behind the table to where Zola was and punched him. Zola fell to the ground only to be lifted off of it instantly, his eyes meeting the rage filled ones of Bucky. "You're still not making it out of this." Bucky hissed, preparing to kill Zola, only to be stopped by a group of Hydra agents storming into the room guns drawn. He looked around at the guards, all their guns were pointed in their direction, "you think I care if you shoot at me? I can just use you as a shield like you tried to use her!" Bucky stated, tightening his grip on the Doctor, only to gain his maniacal laugh.

Bucky looked at him slightly confused, so Zola decided to speak up. "I know your own life is of no importance to you Mr. Barnes." He said, slowly turning his head to your still unmoving body, "but her life, her life means a great deal to you. Doesn't it?" Bucky looked between you and the doctor, then at the guards, finally realizing the guns were never pointed at him. Sure they were pointed in his direction, but if the guards were to shoot, your body would become the new home for each and every bullet to leave their guns. He looked back at his victim, "Hydar knows everything Mr. Barnes, we knew you would favor her life over your own. We know you see her as a friend. And we know your desire to be a hero, but you will never be. Not if we have anything to do with it. You will kill her, and once you've finished, we will bring you back just so you can see your beautiful work as she takes her last breath, so you can see the pain and betrayal in her eyes before the close forever. You've already shown me there is a dark side to you, and now I get to fuel it!"

Bucky set Zola down and was about to land a punch, but was stopped by the butt of a gun to his own head. Bucky was now detained once again by the guards and put back in his chair, this time with metal restraints so he couldn't break them. Zola gave the signal to begin the procedure. Bucky looked over at you one last more time, part of him was happy you wouldn't be able to see what they were doing to him, you didn't need you to worry about him. The procedure today would only last ten minutes, he would do everything in his power to hang on to as many memories as he could that involved the two of you and escaping. And after the procedure was done, he would take care of you the same way you had after his first procedure.

As the helmet began to lower and the electric current could be heard, he took deep breaths to prepare himself for the pain. He took one more final glance at you, seeing that you were still breathing gave him the power to make it through this so he could get back to you and you could both escape. He let out an agonizing scream as the procedure began and as he watched certain memories being ripped away. Some of them were about his family back in Brooklyn, others were from his childhood, and some were from the army.

The torture had ended and the two of you were thrown back into your cell. He didn't like the way they just threw your unconscious body to the ground like it was nothing more than dead animal. He gently lifted your body and carried you to the far corner, he had you rest in his lap, just as you did the night before. As he listened to your incredibly slow breaths and even slower heartbeat, and he couldn't help but notice just how lonely he was at this moment. He imagined this was how you felt all this years. It was a terrible punishment that should have never happened to you.

The cell doors opened, breaking him from his thoughts and dinner was slid towards the two of you carelessly. The guards gave an evil laugh on their way out that made Bucky see red. The red quickly disappeared when he heard you finally take a deeper breath. Your heart beat was finally normal again and your breathing had started to sound more even. You still weren't awake, but there was no doubt in his mind that you really were alive now. He looked at the "dinner" that had come and then back at you.

"Hopefully you wake up soon doll." He brushed his hand through your hair to get it out of your face and left a kiss on your forehead. "If I have to eat this crap, so do you." He chuckled to himself. He waited for your laugh as well, but knew it would still be awhile. He continued to brush through you hair and began to hum some tunes from the music he listened to back in Brooklyn. He wouldn't eat without you, he didn't want to, it reminded him of home and how he would eat with his family. He missed them, but he realized that now he thought of you as his new family, even when you guys break out of here he still wants you around.

"How about when we bust outta here we go back to my place in Brooklyn? I got a spare room you can stay in, foods better too. Ma will love you, she always wanted a daughter you know? I'll even take you dancing, you can just stand on my feet the whole time if you don't know how. I think you'll like dancing though. What do ya say to all that, huh?" In response your head landed on his shoulder and you took another deep breath, Bucky took that as your answer and smiled to him self "I was hoping you'd agree doll, now all you gotta do for me is wake up."

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