I'll Always Love You

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Loki made his way through the palace halls searching for you, you were only four years old, but some how you were able to out whit the god of mischief himself, you were truly his own. "Come out princess, it's almost time for dinner. If we don't get there before Volstagg and uncle Thor, there may be no food left for your little tummy." He joked, trying to lure you out with food, "hopefully they haven't eaten the dessert yet, grandmother had the kitchen staff make that lovely cake you like." He finished leaning against the wall next to a small door he had just found, the carpet was lifted a bit, he could only assume you were in there.

His thoughts were confirmed when you darted out of the tiny door. "No!" You shouted, grabbing his hand and running as fast as your little legs could take you, "come on daddy! We can't let them have all the food again!" You yelled through the halls with Loki being dragged by you. Of course all he had to do was stand still to keep the two of you from moving, but he was rather amused by your determination to get to the dining hall first.

You abruptly stopped, you looked down at your legs, the small stubs would only take the two of you so far. You looked to your right and came face to face with your fathers knee, you looked up, he was very tall and would get the two of you there much faster. When he looked down at your tiny form, he notice you were giving him a look he couldn't quite figure out, something between thinking and trying to hold back a laugh. "What is it darling? Why have you stopped?" He asked, now trying to hold back a laugh himself.

You gave him a mischievous smile, "daddy, a princess shouldn't have to run this much." You started, he raised an eyebrow and kept trying to fight back his laugh, "I wish for you to carry me to the dining room, you have longer legs, it only makes sense!" You finished with a quick nod of your head, happy with your speech.

"Well then princess," Loki started, crouching down to your level, though he still ended up being taller, "your wish is granted, but it will come at a price." He said, eyebrow raised waiting for your reply.

"What's that?" You asked, head tilted curiously as he smiled at you.

"I'm powered by your laughter darling, if you don't keep laughing I'll have to have the tickle monster pay you a visit." He said, raising his hands making tickling motions.

"Ahh! No!" You squeaked, "I'll keep laughing daddy, I promise!" You said as you started to laugh while he lifted you on his shoulders as he bagan to laugh as well. "To the dining hall!" You shouted, your tiny hand gripping his hair as the other pointed in the direction you needed to go. He bagan to run, you laughed and squealed with every step he took. Anytime your laughing would die down a bit, he gave your sides a small tickle to start it up again.

The night went on, you ate next to Loki and Thor, played with Sif, taught Volstagg about table manners and how to savor his food rather than inhaling it, and spent time with Odin and Frigga. After Frigga had braided your hair, told you stories, and even taught you how to control your magic a bit more, your eyes began to feel heavy. You slid out of her lap and made your way over to Loki. You tugged on the sleeve of his armor while rubbing your sleepy eyes with your other hand as you caught back a yawn. He reached down to pick you up and you instantly rested your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. "Is someone tired?" He asked as he rubbed your back. You shook your head no and he lightly chuckled along with Thor.

"I think it's time for this little princess to get her beauty sleep." Thor suggested and he gave you a small kiss on the cheek, your face scrunched up when his beard touched your skin, and you snuggled into Loki's neck to hide from your uncle's scratchy face. He laughed at your reaction knowing you were only doing this because you were tired and wanted to leave to spend the rest of your night with your father, he didn't take your actions to heart.

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