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That night was the first night in years where you slept so peacefully. The same went for Bucky, sleeping with you wrapped in his arms gave him a sense of comfort he hadn't felt since before the war. Something about you made him feel safe, and the feeling was the same for you. Bucky made you feel safe, even given the reason the two of you were on the run in the first place, you've never felt safer than you have now, wrapped tight in Bucky's arms.

You slowly rolled over so you could face Bucky, being careful not to move too much to wake him. You couldn't help but smile when you noticed how peaceful he looked,  you noticed he had a few strands of hair falling in his face. You lifted your hand up and gently brushed the hair behind his ear and out of his face, smiling to yourself when he still looked just as peaceful as before. You took care in recognizing every little detail about him that you could. You slowly let your eyes wander a bit lower to his chest, blushing slightly when you realized he was sleeping without a shirt on.

Your eyes began to wander again to his broad shoulders, your brows furrowed when you noticed the scars on his left where metal and flesh merged together. You wondered if he still felt pain where everything connected, even though he's had the arm for over seventy years now. You used your fingers to lightly trace over every scar, some of them were rough and textured, while the others that were farther away from the metal were slightly softer than the rest of his skin. You don't remember him mentioning any pain he was feeling the night he got the arm, but he was also trying to be strong for you.

You brought your fingers back to the skin at the edge of the metal plates, you began tracing them over the plates on his shoulder, making your way to the star and outlining it. You slowly and gently dragged your hand back up to his flesh, bringing it to his chest to feel his steady heart beat, causing you to hum softly in content, even his heart beat was steady and peaceful at the moment. You were pulled from your thoughts when you felt Bucky pull you closer to him, when you looked up you noticed his eyes were glued onto you, and a small smile formed on his lips.

"Good morning, doll." He whispered to you with a deep and raspy voice, that sent a small chill down your spine, causing you to blush again.

"Good morning, handsome." You whispered back, watching as a light blush crept it's way onto his cheeks as well, and his eyes sparkled a bit at your comment. He brought his flesh hand up to your chin, lifting it slightly so he could bring you in for a deep and loving kiss, much like the one the two of you shared last night.

In the middle of the kiss, Bucky desperately wanted you closer to him, he got the idea to bring his metal arm under the sheets and use it to pull you up against him. As soon as it touched your back, you let out a small gasp from the shock of the cool metal touching the warm skin on the small of your back and under your shirt. He took the opportunity to slide his tongue past your lips and explore the new territory, this time bringing his flesh hand to the upper part of your back to properly embrace you. He began to roll to the side so he was now hovering over you, all while he continued to keep up with the kiss. When he finally pulled away to allow you to catch your breath, you let out a small and involuntary moan, quickly causing Bucky to smirk. "Hmm, you want more baby doll?" He asked you as he ran his hand up and down your side.

"You're ridiculous, James." You joked as you hummed at the contact. As soon as his name slipped past your lips, his smirk grew even more.

"You keep calling me James, you might not make it out of this bed sweetheart." He whispered to you as he brought his face closer to yours, and lowered himself slightly more so his body was beginning to rest on top of yours.

"What are you gonna do about it?" You asked before bringing your lips close to his ear, "Huh, Sargent?" You whispered, your lips ghosting over his ear lobe.

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