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"Steve..." You whispered as the two of you looked around the room full of familiar looking weapons.

"I see it..." He whispered back, you could sense he was already growing angry, but so were you.

"These are Hydra weapons." You said almost in disbelief, you were told Shield was different, but this wasn't proving their case. You looked back over at Steve who had decided to grab one of the guns and began walking to the door. "Steve, what are you doing?" You asked.

"Follow me." was all he said. You didn't argue, you knew if he was going against orders like these then it was for a good reason. The two of you worked your way to the lab where you found Bruce, Tony, and Fury arguing.

"What is phase two?" Tony asked Fury, almost as if he already knew the answer himself.

"Phase two is Fury uses the cube to make weapons." Steve chimed in as he slammed the gun on the lab table, "sorry, your computer was moving a little slow for me." He finished.

Fury turned around to speak up now, "we collected everything we could from Hydra for research, that's not-"

"I'm sorry Nick, what was phase two?" Tony asked again, this time turning the screen to him that showed all the plans for the weapons.

"Nick, you told my Shield was nothing like Hydra, yet here you are creating the same weapons the used me for!" You shouted at him. "Is that the real reason you needed me? To make sure your weapons worked!?" Your voice only grew louder as your eyes began to glow red, something they've only done once before, oddly enough it had only happened when you were near the tesseract or incredibly pissed off.

"You need to stand down y/n, we were never going to use you the way Hydra did. I told you we'd protect you, and that's what we're going to do." He said as calmly as he could while his hand slowly inched toward his gun.

You're rage was now taking over, your vision was now red as well. "Do you really think I need your protection? Or do I need to prove to you that you're no match for me?" You snickered at him, your mist began to form, red as well. By this time Thor and Natasha had made their way to the lab. Natasha jumped back, shocked at the scene that was playing before her eyes, this was nothing she was ever trained for. Thor on the other hand, knew he needed to find a way to reach you, to get inside your mind somehow, he knew that this couldn't be his sweet niece that he hadn't seen all those years.

"Y/n, please listen to reason-"

"What reason? Yours? How about I listen to your reason for leaving me here all these years!? For never coming back for me? How about your reason for coming to me now, thinking you can still save me?" You shot at him, this was no longer you, someone was inside your mind and you couldn't get yourself out of their grasp.

Thor stood there with shock and disappointment written all over his face. You tried to shut out the voice in your head that was causing all this rage, but nothing would work. You watched as Tony and Steve began to argue about who was the bigger man. Natasha and Nick tried to persuade Bruce to leave the lab to avoid Hulking out. There was only one thing that caught your full attention though, and it was said by none other than Stark himself.

"Hey, maybe we'll get lucky and get ourselves two rage monsters today!" He said sarcastically, only one word pierced into your mind though.

"Daddy, am I a monster?"

That one word was enough to set you off, as if on cue, one of the engines of the hellicarrier blew shaking the entire lab. As you watched Steve and Tony leave, you decided it was time to cause a bit of mischief. You used your magic to throw Nick against the far wall of the lab as well as Thor, next was to use it against Natasha and Bruce, pushing them through the floor and let them fall to the room below. Once you were satisfied with your work, you looked to your right. There it was, the scepter, it sat there calling for you. Once you grabbed it, you instantly vanished, and only Thor knew where you could possibly be going. He got up as quickly as he could only to be needed to stop the hulk before he could attempt to stop you.


Loki sat at the far end of his cell with a smirk on his face. Once he saw you finally appear in front of the glass, he knew his plan had worked. "Hello princess, have you brought your dear father a gift?" He asked as he began to make his way over toward you, his smile grew when you pulled the septar from behind your back and gave him your own smirk. "Very good darling, and what have you made of these so called Avengers?" He asked, though he didn't really care as long as they wouldn't be showing up within the next ten minutes.

"They will not interfere with our escape." You replied flatly. You turned around and began punching in the code to let your father out of his cell as he watched you with so much pride, he had almost forgotten you were under his control. Just as the cell doors began to open, Thor charged into the room. He tried to keep Loki in his cell, but his attempts were failed when the Loki he was after turned out to only be a clone.

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" Loki questioned as Thor was now trapped. Loki stepped to the side to reveal you with your hand over the button that would drop Thor from the hellicarrier. Loki smirked when he saw Thor's reaction. "The humans think us immortal, shall we test that theory?" He asked aloud.

"Y/n, do not do this. Loki has gotten inside your head, this isn't you. You need to fight him." Thor pleaded from the other side of the glass, he almost let out a smile when he saw your hand twitch and your eyes change for a moment, but then he lost hope when he saw your hand start to move once again, that is until Coulson showed up that is.

"Step away from there please." He said as he aimed an unfamiliar weapon at Loki and yourself. "You like this?" He asked Loki, gesturing toward the weapon, "we started building for prototype after you brought the destroyer, even I don't know what it does. Should we find out?" He asked, feeling proud of himself. Though that pride was cut short when he was pierced through his back and through his heart by the only true Loki, you hadn't noticed the one next to you was a clone until now.

Thor's scream echoed through your mind and you began to faultier. Parts of your true self began to shine through as your eyes began to change back to their true color, showing that you were fighting to gain control of yourself once again, this time winning the fight. You looked around the room, confused as to how you even ended up here, that last thing you remembered was standing next to Steve in the lab.

Loki kept a close eye on you now, he had lost his control over you and needed to pick his next actions carefully. "Darling..." He said softly to grasp your attention, the first place you looked was his cell, but jumped in shock when you saw he was replaced with Thor. You began to punch the code in to release him when Loki appeared in front of you and grabbed your wrists. "I wouldn't do that if I were you princess." He said sternly, while he directed your hand to the button that would drop the cell out of the sky.

"Please... Don't do this. Let me help you please." You begged your father, what ever was wrong with his mind, you could find a way to fix it.

"You are helping me y/n." he simply said as he forced you to press the button, dropping your uncle to whatever unforgiving land he was about to end up on. You screamed only to be silenced instantly by Loki, your eyes began to feel heavy and you saw his green mist form around you, "rest now princess, I'll see you in a little while." He said calmly, he had cast a sleeping spell on you. As soon as he lowered you to the ground, on of his men came to take you to their escape jet. "Be careful with her, if even the tiniest bit of pain is caused, I'll slit your throat." He hissed at the man. He only nodded his head in response as he carried you away.

"You won't win this, and you'll lose her again in the process." Coulson quietly said from the ground, catching Loki's attention.

"Your team is now scattered, your flying fortress falls from the sky as we speak, and my daughter is back with me. Where is my disadvantage?" Loki smirked, thinking he finally had the upper hand again.

"You lack conviction."

"I don't thi-" Loki was interrupted after being shot by the weapon Coulson had been itching to fire.

"So that's what it does."

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