He's a Ghost Story

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You and Steve had changed into your uniforms in your office so you could have a bit of privacy before meeting with Pierce. "Why do you think Fury chose us?" You asked Steve quietly.

"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure we're about to find out." Steve replied as he finished putting on his suit and walked over to help you with the zipper on yours. Your hands had been shaking since Nick had been shot. Since then you had been on edge trying to control your powers so they couldn't get out of hand, and people wouldn't get hurt. "Hey, it's gonna be okay." Steve whispered to you as he held your hands to try and calm you down. You only nodded in response, not wanting to speak and tell him what was really on your mind.

The two of you left your office and made your way to Pierce's. As soon as the two of you walked in he stood to greet you, giving you a small smirk that Steve didn't notice. "Why don't the two of you sit down, we have a few things to discuss." He told you. You were reluctant, but didn't want to worry Steve or cause more attention from Pierce to be drawn to you. "Captain, y/n, why was Nick Fury in your apartment last night?" He asked getting straight to the point.

"He told us not to trust anyone." Steve told him quickly.

"Hmm, I wonder if that also meant him." Pierce stated, then he turned to you, "Or maybe it wasn't even meant for the both of you, maybe he was only telling that to you Captain." He told Steve as his eyes were still glued onto you.

"What are you trying to say?" Steve asked, growing slightly angry.

"I'm not trying to say anything Rogers. Tell me, did you know your apartment was bugged?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Yes." Steve answered shortly.

"Did he tell you he was the one who bugged it?" He asked Steve. The two of you stayed silent, Nick told you not to trust anyone and Pierce was no exception. "Tell me Captain, just how much do you know about your little girlfriend over here?" Pierce smirked as he asked Steve this.

Your hands began to shake again only to be stopped by Steve who took them in his own. "I know everything about her." He replied with confidence. "Why do you ask?" He asked him confused.

"So you know how she escaped Hydra all those years ago?" Pierce asked, looking over at you with a wicked smirk.

Steve was about so speak up until he realized you never did tell him how you managed to escape. "That's actually the one thing we haven't talked about." He replied quietly as he looked over to you almost begging for an answer.

You quickly pulled your hands away and stood up, getting ready to make your leave. "I already told you yesterday, I got lucky that time." You shot at Pierce angrily as your eyes began to slightly glow again. Something about Pierce set you off and triggered something inside of you to become angry. You weren't sure what it was but you knew you would have your answer soon.

Steve took notice of your behavior and quickly grabbed your hand as he walked with you preparing to leave. The two of you stopped when Pierce decided I speak up again, "someone murdered my friend and I'm going to find out who, and anyone who gets in my way is going to regret it. Anyone." He told the two of you. You guys turned back and nodded, then proceeded to the elevator so you could leave once again.

"Y/n, why would Pierce be asking about your hydra escape?" Steve asked you as soon as the elevator doors closed.

You quickly turned so you were face to face with him as you became slightly angry again. "Do I look like I know Steve? These past couple days have been a mess. Fury told us not to trust anyone and you have the nerve to ask me about my escape in front of Pierce? Are your insane?" You asked him frantically.

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