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Imani Jenkins

I pushed the button on the elevator. I rubbed my hands down my dress. I stepped out of the elevator as the doors opened.

"Good Morning." I said as I passed Aaliyah's desk. She gave me a sympathetic look. I furrowed my eyebrows. I shrugged it off walking to my office. Before I could unlock the door, Jessica called my name.

"Imani, Mr.Smith would like to see you in his office." She said. She had her hand on her hip, smirking.

I nodded, following her. She knocked, opening the door. She stepped aside. I walked through the doors.

"Please, have a seat." He motioned to the chair beside me.

"I'm sorry."

"Why?" I asked.

"I'm going to have to let you go." He said taking a seat in his chair behind his desk.

"I don't understand. Did I make a mistake?"

"No, of course not. You were the best." He stated.

"Then why am I being fired?"

"I've found me new personal assistant."

"Oh, I see." I said slightly smiling. "You've found someone that's willing to suck you off." I added smartly. I stood up pulling my dress down.

"Do not call me when she screws up. Have a nice and blessed day." I turned on my heels slamming the doors behind me.

I angrily unlocked the door the my office. Well, my use to be office. I grabbed a box out of a corner, packing my stuff.

As soon as I stepped out of the door Jessica was standing there with a smile upon here face. I wanted to slap it off so bad.

"Keys please." She requested holding her hand out. "Take them." I threw them at her face. I could care less what she has to say.

I flipped my hair over my shoulder walking over to the elevator pushing the 'down' button. I stepped into the elevator and glanced around as the doors close.

This place will not last without me. I basically ran this place. It is what it is.


I walked down the street thinking what I'm going to do. I needed a Job fast.

"Lord, please help me." I said out loud. I looked down at my feet as I drugged them across the sidewalk. As soon as I looked up I fell down. I looked up to see the most beautiful eyes in the world. I have never seen any quite like them.

"I-I'm sorry." I managed to get out. He held out his hand. I gladly grabbed it. He helped me up. "Watch where you're going." He answered before jogging off. On the ground was a wallet. I reached down picking it up.

"Hey you dropped your wallet." When I looked up he was gone. I opened it and something fell out. I reached down grabbing it. On the card was a address.

Hudson Enterprises
153 Hudson st.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I ran my hand over the address. I thought for a couple of minutes on wether I should return it to him, or take all of his money out of his wallet and then return it. Being the good girl that I was. I decided to give him back his wallet without taking his cash.

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