Chapter Thirty One:

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I got out the bed stretching. I saw Dimitri arcoss the bed sleeping. First time in months we've actually got some sleep.

I walked in my baby boys room. I turned the light on to see him gone. I frowned. I walked back to our room.

"Baby, did mama come get Christian​?"
"No." He mumbled.

"Then where is he?"

"In his room." He said in a duh tone.

I took a deep breath. "No the fuck he is not."

He got up walking to his room with me behind him.

"He's gone."

"No shit Sherlock." We turned around when we heard giggling. Chris was on the floor smiling. He crawled towards us. I know my baby didn't crawl out his crib. I picked him up kissing all over his face. By the way he is five months.

"Give me my son." Dimitri said mugging me.

"kissin all on him. Gone scare the girls away. Ain't that right?"

Chris nodded drinking his drank. They are so cute.

Short I know. I'm on writers block

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