Chapter Twenty Six

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I could hear the beeping of the monitor. My eyes slowly opened. I could feel the warmth of someone's hand around mine.

"Princess, how you feel?" I looked around the room. It was flowers and ballons everywhere.

I wanted to speak but my mouth felt really dry.
"Here." Dimitri handed me a bottle of water with a straw in it.

"My baby, where's my baby. " I started to panic.

"Relax princess. I'll bring him to you. " Seconds later he came back with a beautiful babyboy.

(Imagine his eyes blue)

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(Imagine his eyes blue)

My eyes start to water up. Thank you Jesus.

"Want to hold him? " I nodded. He handed him to me. I was trying so hard to not let the tears fall.

The nurse came in. "Sorry sir, but I can't wait on the name any longer. " Dimitri glanced at me. Not once taking my eyes off my babyboy I answered. "Christian Omari Hudson. "
I gave him Dimitri's middle name.

"That's beautiful princess. " He smiled at me. I could tell he had crying by the dry tear stains and the red eyes.

"How long have I been out? " I asked. "Two weeks. " My eyes widened.

"How did you get them to wait on the name? "

"I paid them. " He said shrugging. "I remember you told me what you wanted to name him, but I wanted to make sure you was okay with it. " I nodded.

There was a knock on the door before the doctor came back in.

"You're free to leave Mrs.Hudson." my head turned so fast I almost caught whiplash.

Dimitri's face was red. He started to rub his neck.

"You ready? " He asked.

"Yes. " I said smiling at my beautiful baby. I can't belive I'm a mom.

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