Chapter Ten

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This chapter is dedicated to Adja_Sylla Thanks for all the votes on my books. 😘😘


"Babe" I said shaking him.

"Hmm." He said pulling me closer. I promise he acts like I'm going to leave him.

"Your phone is ringing."

"Answer it then." I put my leg over him reaching for his phone. He pulled me down. I could feel his morning wood. Looks like he'll be taking a cold shower.


"W-Where's Dimitri? T-Tell him I need him."

"Dimitri, here." I said handing him.

"I'm sleeping baby girl."

"Dimitri, if your ass don't answer the phone." I warned.

He rolled his eyes. Drama queen. "Hello." He rose up quickly. He tapped my thigh for me to get up. I threw on one of his shirts and basketball shorts.

"Bae! Have you seen my--"

"Keys." I cut him off. I handed him his keys.

"Why are you trying to match me and where is your bra at." He thumped my boob causing it to jiggle.

"Stop and we're coming back." I said walking downstairs.

"Why I got to stop? It's mine, and you butt is jiggling to much in those shorts."

"Can you relax. You don't have to worry." I opened the door getting in his car.

The more Dimitri drove the more he got angry. I feel bad for his steering wheel because he had a death grip on it.

"Babe, calm down." I was going to rub his thigh but knowing him, he'll turn it into something nasty.

About five minutes later, Dimitri pulled into a alley. It's was six men stomping on this woman. Dimitri jumped out the car pushing them off her. She ran to the car jumping into the back seat.

I couldn't hear what they were saying. Dimitri swung on someone knocking they ass out. Then, they started jumping my baby. I put my hair up. I wasn't going to sit and watch. I jumped out the car and jumped in. I was stomping in my 12s.

"What the hell were you thinking." He yelled at me.

"What did i do?!" I yelled back.

"What if you would've got hurt, Imani. Did you think how that would effect me? I love you and if you would've got hurt I wouldn't been able to forgive myself. Get your ass in the car." He said the "L" word. I got in the car.

"Lauren, this is my last time helping you. I do this over and over. I give you money to help you get back on your feet and you spend it on drugs. I'm done." I could tell he was speaking out of anger but he was serious

The whole ride back to the house was quiet. I got out the car and helped Lauren in the house since she could barely walk. Dimitri held open the door. I walked her upstairs. I took her to one of his guest bedrooms. I ran her a hot bath. I put some salt in the water. The kind that relieves sore muscles.

"Do you need help or do you got it from here?" I asked her.

"I think I got it. Thank you."

"You're welcome." I left her. I laid some of my clothes on the bed for her. I walked back to Dimitri's room. He was sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. I went the bathroom running a hot bath for me.

I grabbed bra,panties, and some shorts. I sat it the tub. I relaxed. There was a knock at the door. "Come in."

In walked Dimitri. "Can I join." I nodded my head. We saving water.

I tried my best not watch as Dimitri undressed himself. He sat in the water.

(This is just to give y'all and idea of how they were laying

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(This is just to give y'all and idea of how they were laying.)

"I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier." He apologized.

"I just didn't won't anything to happen to you. I care deeply for you."

"You're fine. I understand." He smiled. He turned around and pecked my lips. We started to wash ourselves

"Be still." I'm currently cleaning Dimitri's face. He's acting like a big ass baby. His face wasn't bad. He had scratches and cuts. One of them had a mini pocket knife. I put a bandaid on his neck after I cleaned it with peroxide.

"Okay, I'm done." He got down off the sink. In the reflection there was a big ass hickie on my neck. We didn't do anything. Dimitri said he had to mark his territory.

I jumped in the bed. Dimitri and I were watching an old episode of bad girls club. Season nine. Camilla was beating ass. I laid on Dimitri as he played with my hair.

There was a knock on his bedroom door. "Come in." He yelled.

"Dimitri, I'm sorry. You're right." She apologized.

"It's okay." I pinched his nipple. He slapped my ass hella hard. I groaned. His sister giggled. "I'm sorry also."

"Y'all are so cute."

"Thank you." We said in unison. His sister left shutting the door. He flipped me over. "Gimmie a kiss." I brung his head down connecting our lips.

" I brung his head down connecting our lips

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