Chapter Twenty Eight

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3 months later
Dedicated to MrsBieber_21

I was waken up by Christian crying. I started to get up until Dimitri stopped me.

"I'll get baby." I nodded as if he could see me in the dark. I smiled. Every since Chris came into this world Dimitri has been more responsible.

A few minutes later, I felt the bed dip. "Princess, I know you not sleep." I turned towards him before snuggling up with him.

His hands found their way to my bonnet. He poked around on it. He told me that it interested him.

"I'm glad you had my first child. You mean the world to me." He whispered in my ear.

I felt as if Dimitri had reached another level in our relationship.(yes, they are together.)

It seemed like everything is going perfect. Too perfect but I'm not complaining. Its hard not to think about it when you're waiting for the other shoe to drop.

His hands eventually found their way to my butt as he rubbed and grabbed on it. I soon drifted off back to sleep.


"Hey my baby." I picked Chris up placing kisses all over him. I love the way babies smell. They smell amazing. He started to giggled.

I walked downstairs warming up a bottle. Dimitri had mentioned having another baby the other day. I thought it was way to soon, which it is, but I want another little me running around.

I smiled. "You're greedy just like your daddy."

"I heard that." I slightly jumped at his voice causing Chris to mug me. Dimitri walked over toward me. He grabbed Chris out of my arms.

"I know, she won't leave you alone while you eating. She'll never let you finish meal. I rolled my eyes as he referred to last night.

"You always talking nasty." I shook my head.

"See, I wasn't even talking about that. You're the one with the dirty mind. You are in front of our child!" He gasped being extra.

I waved him off. I started to fix myself some coffee. I didn't start to drink it that much until I had Chris.

"Babe." He called behind me. Chris was longer in his arms. I'm guessing he took him upstairs to his crib.

"Yeah." He put his hands beside me trapping me.

He placed kisses all over my face. I narrowed my eyes. "What do you want."

"We should take the baby to meet my family." He said placing small kisses down my neck.

I mushed his head away. I shook my head. "No, your aunt disrespected me to a level I will not tolerate. She's lucky I didn't drag her ass. "

"She doesn't have to be there. She was the only one with the problem remember. Plus, my uncle wants to see him. Please mama."

I stoodnthere with a blank expression. He was right. She was the only with the problem.

"Okay." I said sighing. "If she starts something, that's her ass. I will not hold back anymore ass whoppings understand." I pointed at him.

"Yes maam." He said nodding. I giggled. "I love you baby girl."

I love me too😂 Let me stop.

"I love you too."


I was still coming off my high Dimitri had gave me two hours ago. It wasn't a regular fuck. It was diffent. Passionate. Fullied with love. We made love and it felt so good!

I stared at him as he drove over to my moms house. He smiled at me before focusing back on the road. He grabbedy hand, holding it in his.

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