Chapter Fifteen

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Dedicated to RobynMakesMeWet
Thanks for everything without you this book would've been in my drafts along with the others😘😘


My eyes slowly opened. I was laying on top off Dimitri. Naked. I attempted to move but pain took over my body. I don't regret anything that happened.

"Good Morning babygirl. " I looked at DImiri. He smiled at me.

I returned the smile. "Good Morning baby. "

His hands slid under the cover. He grabbed my ass cheeks. "I had fun last night. " He said biting his bottom lip.

"I did too. " I said agreeing. I pressed my lips against his. I bit his lip when he slapped my ass.

"Can you run me some bath water? I already know I can't walk." I asked.

He nodded he pulled himself off of me. He walked into the bathroom turning on the water. It took a while for him to come back and get me. He carried me bridal style into the bathroom. The bath tub was filled with bubbles. He sat me down in the warm hot water. I let a long sigh. I put my back against the cold tub.

I relaxed in tub for about twenty minutes. I then bathed and got out of the tub. I grabbed a pair of jogging pants and a training bra. I walked downstairs. Dimitri stood in front of the stove cooking. I walked besides him. He was cooking my favortie food, Honey BBQ wings. I smiled, he looked over kissing my cheek.

"Your cooking my favorite food." I smiled, "How'd you know?"

"I asked Ciara." He answered.

"Aww, when was this?" I asked.

"Last night." He answered, "I texted her off your phone."

"Oh." I nodded.

"Food should be ready in a couple of minutes." He announced. I placed my self on a bar stool. I started strolling down my Twitter timeline.

I placed my phone down on the marble counter top. Dimitri sat my plate in front of me along with a bottle of ranch. I smirked grabbing a wing taking a huge bite out of it. I was amazed, they were delicious. I looked over at Dimitri he laughed wiping my mouth. I swallowed my food laughing also.

As we ate lunch we held a conversation about work and some random stuff. I told Dimitri he has to teach me how to ice skate. He agreed to take me any time I wanted to go. I nodded. I was tryna decided wether I wanted to go ice skating today or go tomorrow. Then the final decision was made. Once it started to pour down raining.

This is the first official time that it rained in Los Angeles since I've been here. Dimitri and I decided to stay in. We settled on the couch. We debated on which movie was was going to watch. I wanted to watch Creed while he wanted to watch Knight and Day for Cameron Diaz. It really didn't matter to me which one we watched they both had fine male characters.

We watched Knight and Day first. He drooled over Cameron Diaz while I drooled over Tom Cruise. You can't tell me that man wasn't handsome in that movie. Dimitri got jealous once we watched Creed, I was literally biting my lip and drooling over Michael B. Jordan through out the whole movie. He turned the movie off looking at me.

"What?" I laughed.

"You did not just bite your lip at another man." He said.

"He's sexy." I said.

"I don't care." He said.

"You bit your lip while watching Knight and Day." I said. He went quiet.

"She doesn't look as good as you though." Dimitri said.

"I know that." I said, "He isn't as sexy as you."

"I know." Dimitri smirked.

"Then why are you mad?" I asked

"Because you were biting your lip at another dude."

"You were biting your lip at Cameron Diaz though."

"That different."

I smacked my lips. "How? Please tell me."

He remained quiet. "Exactly."

"You're acting like I want her. " He said speaking up

"You probably do. " I said shrugging.

"If I wanted her I would leave you to be with her. "

"Then leave." I said going upstairs.

I laid across the bed. I refreshed my feed on Instagram. I saw that Michael B. Jordan had went live. I smirked. I clicked on it.

"Really. " I turned around. Dimitri stood there irritated. He shook his head. He removed his shirt. I bit my lip staring at his abs. He removed his shorts leaving him in his Calvin Klein boxers.

I shook the nasty thoughts from my head. Dimitri laid down putting his arm over his eyes. I clearly had won this 'argument'.

"Bae, I'm sorry. " I climbed on top of him straddling his lap.

He ignored me. I pinched the side of his ass cheek. He flipped me me over. I could feel his erection. Nasty.

"Stop." He growled.

"Stop. " I said mocking him.

"Imani, I'm not playing. " He said through gritted teeth.

"Imani, I'm not playing. " I giggled, mocking him again.

He roughly ripped off my clothes.

"Dimitri! " I yelled. He bit into my neck.

"Shut up. "

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