Chapter twenty-two

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2 months later

"He just makes so fucking mad. " I explained to Ciara. We really haven't been hanging out lately. So, we got together today.

"Girl, I don't understand why you keep going back. " She said eating a strawberry.

"I don't either. " I said sighing.

"Ol' ugly ass. See, ion even like him. Should've been with Xzavier. " She popped another strawberry in her mouth.

I couldn't help but wonder, what my life would be like with Zae instead of Dimitri. I dropped the thought. Dimitri was really stressing me out, which isn't good for the baby.

I looked at the promise ring that was still in it's place. I moved it around. How could he? Did I mean anything to him?

I pulled the ring off, stuffing it in my pocket. It was nothing more than a broken promise. Maybe Ciara is right. Maybe I should leave Dimitri alone. I rubbed my hand on my stomach. I was really big, being only six months.

Yes, I know the Gender of my baby. It's a..... You'll find out. Little Clues. Here and There.

"Girl, speak of the devil. " CC motioned to the left. Dimitri was with some blonde bimbo. She was pretty but she wasn't me.

We threw our food away. We peeped them out. I Smirked.

"Hey Dimitri, the next check up for the baby is in two weeks. " I said smiling.

Blonde Bimbo gasped slapping him, walking away.

"She's childish. " Dimitri mumbled about Blondie.

"And you're a cheater. "

He scoffed. "Don't try to play innocent. You was swapping spit with Xzavier. "

"But getting head is some next level type shit. "

"I was drunk! " He yelled. "I was out all fucking night. Crying. Crying over you. I told her to move. She didn't listen. You didn't see me push her away. All you saw was my dick out and her on the floor. All you did was assume when nothing happened. "

"All you did was assume about Zae! " I yelled.

"That's because when I asked, you ain't say shit. You got me looking like the bad guy when you guitly too Imani. "

I looked down. He was right. "Don't worry. You can have who you want. I won't contact you unless it's about our child or business. " He said walking away.

I could feel my eyes start watering. I was fixing to cry. My bottom lip also started to tremble. I looked over at Ciara.

"See, now you ain't tell me all of that." I probably would've laughed at her face but I ran towards the bathroom.

"Imani, what the hell. " She said pushing open the door.

"He's right isn't he. "

"Yeah, he is. I could tell by your face when he said something about Zae it was something you didn't regret. "

I played with my fingers.

"You didn't pull away did you? "

"I did but.... I didn't want to. "

I feel terrible. Then, Dimitri's face hurt me. I did assume when I walked in on him and Ashy. He DID try to explain unlike me.

I was no longer in the mode to shop. I wanted to go home and eat ice cream. With pickles.

"You want to go home? " She asked.

"Yeah. "


After Ciara dropped me off, I grabbed my clothes putting them in my Nike bag.

I had so many clothes over here. I had basically moved in but yet, kept my apartment just in case.

I forgot to tell y'all that Lauren moved out and she was doing good. I grabbed another bag putting mg clothes in here. I'm not taking all of my clothes, just most.

I heard the door open and close. I grabbed two bags taking them downstairs, laying them beside the door.

"What are you doing? "

"Going home. "

He sighed running his hands through his head. "You don't have to leave. " I sat my bag down.

"If I stay, it'll be torture to each other. You know how we are. " I started to walk upstairs, but was only pulled back.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I just want you to know that you're sure. I don't want you to be uncertain. "

I looked anywhere but his face. I'm pregnant and my hormones are out of control. Looking at him wouldn't help.

I nodded. Being nervous, I bit my lip. "Um, I have another bag to get. "

"I'll get it. " He ran upstairs. A few seconds later he had my bag in his hand.

"You sure you want to leave. It would be better if you stayed. So I could look after you and our baby. "

Maybe I should stay. What if something happened and I couldn't get to my phone.

"I'll stay. " I ran my hands threw my hair. Dimitri nodded. He started to take my stuff back upstairs. I grabbed some ice cream and pickles headed to a guest room far away from him.

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