Chapter Thirteen

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Dedicated to HellyT17

"Relax." Dimitri said squeezing my hand. "I am relaxed." I said breathing slowly

Truth is, I hate being judged. It makes me feel like I'm worthless. When someone I try to impress, judges me in a bad way I get low self-esteem. I guess it's just something I have to work on.

As we approached, the looks on their face changed. I could tell this was fixing to be a long night. "Everyone, this is Imani. " he said smiling. "Imani, this is everyone. "

"Hey, it's very nice to meet everyone." I said smiling. I made sure to give off a warm, good vibe.

"It's nice to meet up also." His uncle said. I sat between Dimitri and Lauren.

I kept a tight grip in Dimitri's hand. His thumb stroked the back of my hand which calmed me down.

His brothers drooled over me while his sisters studied me. His aunt, gave me looks that could kill. Her face was scrunched up. I felt very uncomfortable.

"How long have have you and my nefew known each other. " His uncle spoke.

"Two months and Four weeks. Basically, three months" I answered.

"And y'all are together? "

"No, we are just talking. Taking it slow." I replied.

His Aunt scoffed. "Are y'all fucking?" I was a little taken back by her question. All of his brothers and sister looked at her wide eyed.

"Tina, I don't think that's none of our business. " His uncle said.

"It isn't. " Dimitri agreed.

"So I take that as a yes. " She said rolling her eyes.

"No. " I said shaking my head.

"We haven't been 'fucking'. " I said. "Yeah right, I know how your type is. " she said glaring at me.

Before I could say anything Dimitri spoke. "Her type?" He shook his head. "You're not going to talk about her like that. She's more than some girl. I care for her and she cares for me. "

"I'm just being honest. You know how black women are. All they want is your money. "

I'm done. "You know what I'm fixing to go. I didn't come here to be disrespected. It was nice meeting y'all." I grabbed my stuff and walked outside. I caught a cab leaving.


"Why in the hell would you say that?" I asked.

"You know I was only trying to look out for you. " I shook my head not wanting to hear what she had to say.

"Don't ask me for anything else. She means the world to me. I love her and you say something like that. Don't ever disrespect her again." I grabbed my keys walking out the restaurant.

It seems like I've been looking for Imani for hours. I can't seem to find her. I passed by my company seeing someone walk through the doors.


I stepped out the elevator making my way to Dimitri's office. It was more people than I expected here. I locked his door. I sat my phone in his desk looking out the window. The veiw was perfect. I sniffed a little.

I really can't believe she said that to me. She has to realize not all people are the same. I know it's was very disrespectful. I didn't want to disrespect her because that's his aunt.
I could've said some nasty and mean things in return but I decided against it.

"Baby girl." Dimitri spoke softly. I continued to stare out the window. He stepped in front of me. He gently wiped a tear that had fallen. It may not seem like it but I'm very sensitive on the inside.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." He apologized I shook my head.

"It's not your fault. "

"Yes it is. If I would'nt took you none of this would've happened. "

"It would've happened sooner or later. " I said softly. He sat down pulling me into his lap.

"Look, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. It's just me and you. People are going to have their own opinions but all that matters is us. " I blushed looking down at my fingers.

"What did I tell you about. " He said lifting my head. He stared at me. He smiled before leaning into me. Our lips were touching.

"I love you Imani."

"I love you too Dimitri." He grabbed my ass. He connected our lips. My hands found their way to his hair. My hands gripped his hair.

I grinded against him. I could his member rising. His fingers slowly trailed down my dress to my thighs. His hands rose.

He traced my lining off my underwear. He started to massage me through my panties which caused me to moan into the kiss. We pulled away breathing heavily. "I want you. " He said


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