Chapter Twenty Seven

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The baby's room ↑. I layed Chris in his crib after I put him to sleep. I stared at him a little longer before grabbing the baby monitor and exiting the room.

I walked downstairs. I was hungry. I looked in the refrigerator before deciding on cooking spaghetti, mac n cheese, mashed potatoes, and cornbread. Since that was what I'm craving.

"Damn girl, you got smelling good in here. " Dimitri came downstairs shirtless rubbing his stomach.

"Stir the Macaroni. " I said. He did as told.

"You know what this sounds like?" He asked referring to the sound of the Macaroni.

"You." He said smirking.

I giggled a little. "Why do you turn everything into something nasty."

"I can't help it." He said poking his lip out. See he trying to be cute and I'm trying to eat.

I placed the cornbread in the oven. He came behind me and pressed against me.

"Princess, it's been two weeks. Come on, let's have a quickie."

"See, that is the reason Chris is here now. " He chuckled backing up.

"You're right. " He stared at me. His beautiful blue eyes staring into my dark brown eyes.

"I love you. I promise you and my son will never have to worry about anything. I'm done being immature. It's about y'all now. Y'all are my main focus and I really mean it. "

I smiled Did I believe him. Sort of, but I wasn't going to tell him that. (Btw, they are together. Dating. It was My fault at first. I thought I had put them together and I didn't. Sorry)

He kissed my forehead and grabbed two plates.

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