Chapter Eighteen:

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He stared at my body. I wore a tight red dress that stopped above my knees and some red heels. My hair was poofy.

I went to my office and buzzed everyone that there was a meeting. On my way to the room where the meetings are held I bumped into Xzavior.

He had a couple of papers in his hand that fell out. I swatted down. Our hands touched. He chuckled. "My fault. "

"No, it's mine. I should've watched where I was going. " I handed him his papers. He looked past me. Dimitri was staring at us with hateful looks. Ol' Jealous ass.

"What's up with him? " Xzavier said.

"I don't know and I don't care. " J said shrugging my shoulders after I stood up.

"Oh, it's like that. " He said with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah. " He sat down beside. We talked a little. Abby sat beside Dimitri, by the way her face was fucked up lol. I sat beside Dimitri, I didn't have a choice. Xzavier sat beside me and Ciara sat beside him.

As t people we're talking I would glance over at Dimitri. Anna was rubbing his thigh. Then, her hand slid in his pants. My mouth dropped open. This hoe don't learn. I could my blood pressure rising.

I was about to say something until I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. "Ahhhh. " I screamed out catching everyone's attention. I felt something running down my leg.

I felt down there. I bring my hands back up seeing blood. My vision started to blur. Next thing I know I'm laid out on the floor. Xzavier holding my hand. Ciara and Dimitri on the other side.

"You'll be okay babygirl. I promise. " He whispered. The weird thing about it was that it didn't come from Dimitri's mouth.

****(woah, but continue reading.)

My eyes fluttered open.
Dimitri sat next to me. His eyes staring the soul out of me. My hand was in his. On the other side was Ciara and Xzavior.

Dimitri cleared his throat. "Can y'all go get the doctor. She's awake. "

They both nodded leaving Dimitri and I alone. It was so quiet to the point I could hear us breathing. He spoke up breaking the silence.

"Why didn't you tell me? " He asked. I turned my head towards him.

"Tell you what? " I asked even though I knew what he was talking about.

"That you're pregnant. " I started to fiddle with my fingers. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know. " I answered truthfully. He looked down at my stomach. (Btw, she's four mouths. I skipped three and she was already one month) I was really showing my bump in the hospital clothes. In the dress you couldn't really tell.

"May I? " He asked. "Of course. " I moved the cover away. I'm still mad at him. Don't think I've forgot.

His hand connected with my stomach. The little person inside me started to kick. A big Kool-Aid appeared on his face.

"I'm having girl. "

"How do you you're having a girl? " I asked.

"I just know." He kissed my stomach. "I promise nobody will ever hurt you. I promise I'll always take care of you baby girl" He rubbed my stomach.

He looked at me. "I want to apologize for everything I've said and done. I was coming to apologize when I saw you talking to Zae. "

"Why wait so long? "

"I wanted to make sure I have gave you enough time to calm down. You hold grudges. "

I giggled. "I don't. "

"Yes. You do. "

"What you and Appetizers durning the meeting? "

"Well, before you screamed I told her to get her hands off me. We don't have to back together. I just want you to know that I'm sorry for what I said. "

"I forgive you but you're not off the hook that easily. "

He nodded. The door opened. My eyes widened. My doctor was fine as hell y'all.

My mouth watered. "How are you feeling? " Good daddy now that you're here. (Lol, lemme stop.)

"Better. " I answered.

"Listen, you need to relax. Stop stressing. It's not good for the baby. You almost had a miscarriage. If y'all can make sure she has plenty of bed rest and stays stress free that will be perfect. " He smiled.

"You can leave. Nice to meet you Mrs. Hudson. "

I frowned looking over at Dimitri. I shook my head. Ol' Jealous ass.

Dimitri carried me to his house. Zae drove Ciara back to the office so she could get her car.

I missed Dimitri honestly. The way he held me. The way he sung to me. They way he put it down. Lately, all I seem to think about is sex.

I shook those thoughts from my head as we pulled up to the house. Dimitri picked me up.

"I can walk you know. "

"I know you can but the doctor said you need to stay off your feet. Besides, I'm use to it anyway. " He smirked. He took me upstairs and sat me on the bed.

"I'm not disabled. " I frowned smacking his hand away after he tries to take my clothes off. I removed my hospital gown which left me in my bra and panties.

"I'm going to take a shower. " He said. I could feel his eyes all over my body.

I nodded. I pulled some leggings, a big long shirt, and long fluffy socks. I laid across the bed.

Zae: How you feeling?

Me: Much better.

Zae: That's better.

I locked my phone. I cut the TV on. Surprisingly, amazing world of gumball was on.

Dimitri came out the bathroom. The towel was wrapped around his waist. The water was dripping off his body.

"See something you like? " He asked.

"I see something I already had. " His smiled dropped. I would say just playing but it's true so...

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