Chapter Sixteen:

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I laid in Dmitri's chest as he sung along to Selfish. He looked down at me.

"I want you all to myself because I'm selfish yea."

I smiled. I was lucky to have him. I snuggled up to him. "Baby Girl I have to go in to work today." he said rubbing my back. I nodded. "What time we leaving?"

"You don't have to go." he replied. I glanced up at him. He threw his hands up. "Just saying."

"I know." I stood up stretching. I walked in the bathroom turning on the shower. I grabbed my strawberry body wash and and a towel. I stepped in letting my body soak. Hands wrapped around my waist. " I love you." he said pecking my lips. " I love you too."


Dimitri and I walked through the doors hand and hand. Ashley, I mean Amber's face was scrunched up. Ciara busted out laughing.

I unlocked his door. I walked over to his desk sitting on the edge. He fixed his tie before sitting down. That's my baby. He's all mine.

He caught my stare. "What? "He asked smiling. I shook my head. "Nothing, just admiring whats mine. " He chuckled. He pulled me into his lap causing me to straddle him. He gripped my ass.

He groaned. "That ass getting bigger. "

I promise you every since we've met he's been obsessed with my ass. I pecked his lips. I tried to get up when someone knocked but I was pulled back down. "Come in. " Dimitri yelled.
I met with a pair of familiar eyes. "I came to remind we have a dinner set up with Rossi. "

Then it came to me. Xzavier. He looked upset by what he saw. I rember him telling me he worked with me but I've never noticed him.

Dimitri nodded. Xzavier shut the door. "I have to leave but I'll be back. " I said looking down at my phone. "I have to pick up your sister." He pecked my lips.


"So. How was it? " I asked as she entered the car.

"It was good. I also met someone. " She gave me that look.

"Okay, I see you girl. "She giggled.


After I had dropped off Lauren I made my way back to the office. I waited patiently as the elevator went up to the fifth floor.

"Is Dimitri in his office? " Ciara nodded. I smiled opening his door.

My smile dropped. My whole body froze. I can't believe what I'm seeing.

"What the fuck!" I yelled. Dimitri and Amber's lips parted. I could feel my blood pressure rising.

They both stood still, speechless. Amber smiled. She switched her hips back and forth walking out the door.

It took everything in me not to snatch her little ass up. I took a deep breath. "Really. " I shook my head. Tears started to form in my eyes.

"Imani I'm--" I put my hand up cutting him off. "Don't bother. Save it. " I walked out his office. Ciara eyes met mine. I nodded before taking the stairs.

So much for him being mine.

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