Chapter Nine

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Imani Jenkins

My eyes fluttered open as the sunlight shined in them. I yawned quietly, making sure I don't wake Dimitri. I attempted to get up but was suddenly pulled down.

"Where are you going." I looked at Dimitri. He still had his eyes closed. He voice came out deep and husky.

"Bathroom." He nodded, letting me go. I stretched a little walking to the bathroom.
After I was done, I washed my hands. I laid in my previous position.

"Are you comfortable?" He asked.

"Yes." I buried my face back into his neck. I started to slowly fall back asleep.

"Baby girl."

"Yes." I answered softly.

"Come eat breakfast." I turned over on my side.

"No. I'm still sleepy." I groaned.

"Get up." He said pouting. I turned over opening one eye to look at him.

"No." I laid on my stomach feeling more comfortable. As soon as I started to fall back asleep he sat on me.

"Move. Get your fat ass up." I said gasping for air.

He started moving back and forth. It felt as if he was squashing me.

"Okay, okay. I give up."

"You better."

I straight faced him.

"Give me a kiss."

I leaned in to peck him on the lips. "You know damn well that isn't no kiss."

"Oh well." I said shrugging. He rolled his eyes. I smacked his ass. "Aye, stop with all that gay shit Imani. I'm not playing." He said sternly.

"Stop Imani." I mocked.

"Come downstairs now." He said, pointing out the door. I felt like being stubborn today.

"Nope." I said popping the p. I sat down on the floor.

"So childish." He said shaking his head. He picked me up carrying me downstairs. He sat me on the counter. I looked what he was cooking. On a plate was eggs, bacon, grits, sausage, and pancakes.

"You can cook?" I asked surprised. It smelled so good."Of course." He said smiling. "I just assumed since you burnt up spaghetti." I said.

He chuckled. "Really, you're still stuck on that."

He cut up a piece of pancake. He came in between my legs. "Here. Try it." He feed me the piece of pancake that was on the fork. I quickly said Grace before chewing.

"Mmm." I moaned. "It taste really good." I complimented. "I know it does. I made it." He said.

"I wanna take you out again tonight." He said feeding me another piece.

"You know we don't have to go out every night. We could stay in." I suggested.

"Is that what you want to do?" He asked.

I thought for a second. "Yes."

"Okay. I'll have to make a quick run to the store and while I'm gone you can set it up how you want. Is that fine with you baby girl?" He asked.

I loved how he made sure things were okay with me. "Yes. It's fine with me baby boy." He chuckled

He continued to feed me the rest of my food. I had two hands but I'm not complaining.

I looked around. I think I did a good job. "Baby girl!" Dimitri yelled. "In here." I answered.

He took his jacket off. He sat on the pillow. He removed his shoe also. He poured the snacks on the floor.

"It looks beautiful." He complimented

"Thanks." I said "What should we watch?" I added

"Furious 7." I nodded pushing play. Dimitri laid on me as I played in his hair.

I walked behind the couch. In a bag, was a nerf gun. I grabbed it pulling it slowly, careful not making any noise. I pointed to aim at his back. I shot him. I took off running upstairs giggling.

"Imani! I'm going to get you." He said yelling. I turned a left quietly opening a door. I crawled behind a couch. I was sort of in a ass up face down position. I heard the door creak open. Dimitri's feet walked past me. He walked in a room but before his whole body was fully on there, I shot him in his leg. I quickly drew back my gun.

Dimitri turned around. He looked all around the room them disappeared around the corner. I stayed in my position.

"Owww!" I yelled. I was shot in the ass at least three times. Dimitri was on the floor laughing.

I jumped on him straddling his lap. I pointed the gun at him. "Say sorry."

He took my gun away from me throwing it. He flipped us other. He was on top. "Are you mad at me." He asked.

I stared at him with a straight face. He started to tickle me.

"Okay!" I yelled.

"Okay what?" He asked. "I'm not mad." I said gasping for air.

He gave me a kiss on the lips before helping me up.

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