'Chapter Twelve

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"Babe, get up." Dimitri said shaking me. My grip on him tightened.

"I don't want to." I said burying my head in his neck. Last night Dimitri kept me up because HE couldn't sleep.
He slapped my ass. I bit his neck. He flipped us over. "You like it on top don't you." I said giving up.

"Yes, but do you want to go with me?" He asked.

"Go where?" I asked.

"Out to eat with my family." He said. I shook my head. I hate meeting families . Their so quick to judge.

"Dimitri I don't know. Don't you think it's to soon? " I asked.

"It's better now than later. " he said smiling. I studied his face. I could tell he wanted me to go. I looked at him for a couple more minutes before caving in.

"Fine." I said sighing.

"Thanks babe ." He said kissing me. I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"You better stop. You're not ready for me babygirl." He said getting up. I may not be ready for him but he was ready for me by the looks of the budge poking out of his boxers.

I stretched. I walked over to the closet. I had brought some more clothes over here. Plus, if Dimitri saw something he thought would look cute on me he bought it.

Dimitri came behind me. He pulled a dress and heels out. "Wear this." I grabbed it laying it on the bed.

I walked into the bathroom. I turned in the water for my shower. I removed my clothes stepping in the shower. Dimitri stepped in behind me. (Nothing happened )


"Dimitri, come on damn!" I yelled. Dimitri let Lauren take one of his cars and she left earlier. She had to take care of some things.

"I'm coming babygirl." He said walking downstairs. I grabbed my phone slipping it in my purse. I grabbed my lipstick applying it. I also slipped it down in my purse.

"You look so beautiful." Dimitri complimented. "Thank you baby. You look handsome." I said fixing his tie.

"I know. " I smacked my lips. He chuckled. "I'm just playing." I stepped out the door.

"I like this dress." He said. "Your ass just sits up. Making it look nice and plump. " I could tell he was biting his lip. I shook my head. He nasty.

"Pervert." I said. He opened my door. He walked over to the drivers side getting in. "Like you don't be staring at me when we are in the shower. I notice you. You be slobing over daddy. " He said cranking up the car. He think he funny. Ughh, I can't stand him.

"Daddy?" I questioned. "Yes, mami. I'm daddy."

I busted out laughing. "Laugh Now. You'll be screaming my name later." He wiggled his eyebrows at me before turning his attention back to the road.

He turned up the radio. "I'ma diveee inn. "He sung winking at me. I rolled my eyes giggling.

As we pulled in my breathing rose. Just thought of meeting a family made me nervous.


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