Chapter Six

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Imani Jenkins

After yesterday, Dimitri left me in my thoughts. I stretched, closing my door locking it. I put my keys and phone in my pocket. I placed my earphones in my ear. I started to run. I need some exercise.

As I run, received lustful looks from the men and hateful looks from the women. I continued to run until I bump into something hard. "You love bumping into me don't you." I rolled my eyes. He reached out his hand helping me up. "Whatever."

"I didn't know you worked out." He said glancing my way. I chuckled. "There's a lot you don't know about me."

"I wanna get to know you." He said, licking his lips.

"Oh really." I replied.

"Yes, matter of fact let me take you out."

"Uh, I don't know."

"I wasn't asking, I was telling." He said sternly.

Be ready at 8." He jogged off. I rolled my eyes drinking my water. I started to jog back to the house. I unlocked my door. I laid my keys down on the table. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

White Chocolate😭🍦🍫: Wear a swimsuit.

I locked my phone. I walked upstairs to shower.
After I showered I put lotion on. I looked at the time. It was only five. I decided to take a nap.

I yawned stretching. I pulled my covers over my head falling asleep.


My alarm woke me up at six o'clock. I groaned throwing the covers off me. I was just about to say forget the date until Dimitri called me.

"Hello?" I answered pulling myself out of the bed walking into the bathroom.

"You sound like you just woke up." His beautiful voice rang through the phone.

"Yeah, I actually just did." I admitted putting the phone on speaker phone. I grabbed a small towel from underneath the cabinet. I turned on the hot water.

"Well, I'm sorry for awaking you." Dimitri apologized.

"You didn't wake me up." I said while I placed my towel under the hot steaming water. I grabbed my Clean and Clear face cleaner. I threw some water on my face before rubbing in the cleanser. I grabbed the towel putting it underneath the water ringing it out washing the cleanser off my face.

"You sure?" He asked, as I laid my towel on the sink.

"Yeah." I answered, "Why'd you call me?"

"I'm bored and I need someone to talk to." Dimitri answered.

"Oh." I replied dryly, "Well I'm gone have to call you back. I'm about to get in the shower."

"Without me?" Dimitri chuckled.

"Yes, now goodbye." I said hanging up

I pulled my clothes off. I turned on the shower while I roamed my house nude. I found my way to my closet. I pulled out a bathing suit, a dark blue light, and peach and white tank top, along with some denim cut up shorts. I pulled out my fave shoes. Peach Vans.

I went back into my bathroom getting in the shower. I got out of the shower putting on my favorite scented lotion from bath and body works Wild Madagascar Vanilla. I went into my bedroom pulling on bathing suit, along with my shorts and tank top. I pulled my hair into a ponytail. I ran downstairs

I smiled, allowing him into my house. I invited him to sit on the couch while I went upstairs to get my phone. I grabbed my phone out of the bathroom, I walked to my vanity grabbing my black ray ban shades. I put them on my face as I descended the stairs.

"I'm ready." I said checking the time it was eight o'clock sharp.

I noticed Dimitri's outfit. He had on a peach t-shirt with white cargo pants and white vans. I smirked he's trying to be like me. Dimitri opened the door for me allowing me the walk out first. I unlocked my phone clicking my Home button on my home screen locking my doors. I alarmed the security system while getting into his Ferrari.

I locked my phone putting it in his cup holder. He started his engine pulling off. As we drove we held a slight conversation learning more about each other. I recently found out he was Lebanon, his mother died after giving birth to him, he's the baby out of his three sister and two brothers. He also wasn't supposed to take on his father business after he passed but it was his father command for him to take the throne instead of his older brother.

I chuckled while he told me how he almost killed his brother by tackling him.

"Seriously?" I laughed.

"It wasn't funny but at the same time it was." Dimitri said, "You should've seen his face."

"I bet he was shocked that a skinny boy like you could tackle him like that." I said slapping my knee laughing.

"He was, every since then he hasn't underestimated me!" He exclaimed.

"Aww, don't you feel like such a badass." I said calming down after my stomach started to hurt.

"I am a badass." He said.

"You wish." I laughed again.

"Whatever, you wish you're just as badass as me." He said.

"Baby boy I can be your worst nightmare. So I'm going warn you now. Don't try me" I said warning him.

He chuckled, "I forgot was I supposed to get scared?"

"It wasn't meant to scare you." I said.

"Oh." He quieted down as we pulled up at the beach. He opened the door. He walked over to my side. He opened the door for me. "Thanks." I took off my shoes so I wouldn't get sand in them. "It's beautiful."

"Well, you know how I do

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"Well, you know how I do." He popped his imaginary collar winking at me.

I giggled. "Please never do that again."

"Girl, you know you liked that." I rolled my eyes smiling. I had feeling that tonight was going to be special.

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