Chapter Thirty Two:

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I awoke from loud yelling. It's was about 9:50pm. I stretched getting out of bed. I walked downstairs to see Dimitri and Chris. Dimitri had the game on. The Finals was on.

"Nooooo!!" Dimitri yelled. The score was 113 to 91. He watched, angry that the Warriors had won. I, on the other hand, was satisfied.

"Hi Princess." He said giving me a kiss.

"Hi." I picked Chris up.

"I miss my baby."

He giggled smiling showing his dimples.

"Your food is in the microwave." I nodded.

"Has he ate?" I asked.

"Yeah, he has also had his bath. Oh, and your mother is on her way to come get him. You remember we have that meeting in the morning we have to handle."

"What time is it?" I said getting my food and eating a fry. He had got my favorite. Honey barbeque wings and fries.

"6 in the morning."

"Don't we also have party to attend at 9 tomorrow tonight?"

"Yeah." I pouted.

"I won't see my baby all day." Chris held out his hands for me.

"You're gonna spoil him babe." I shrugged.

"That's what I'm suppose to do." I said, picking him up.

"I know that, but you need to be getting ready it's 7:30. You know how you are. Unc is coming over to watch him. He'll be here when get back." He said pulling him from my arms.

"Okay." I said sighing.


"It's a lot of people here." I said whispering to Dimitri.

"I know." He said smiling.

It was so quiet as we walked in. It was so quiet you could hear someones stomach rumble.

I peeped applesauce in the back, mugging me.

"Bitch boo." I said my eyes.

She growled like the dog she is and walked off. Little hoe got it coming.

"I wouldn't mind bending you over one of these tables and fuck you till you can't walk." He whispered in my ear, pulling out his chair.

I sat down crossing my legs. Dimitri isn't slick. Trying to get me pregnant.

I started to zone out until i felt Dimitri's hand on my thigh. I ignored him playing games in my phone, they really wasn't talking about nothing important.

"It was nice talking to you." We all stood up as Dimitri shooked his hand.

"Stop." I said pushing his hand away.

Dimitri and I also haven't you know in a while so I also wouldn't be surprised if he was in the mood.

"You ready?" I asked. He smiled.

"Yeah." I nodded, and started to walk away.

He pulled me back, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I love you." He said, staring into my soul.

"I love you too." He pulled me into a deep passionate kiss.

"Damn, y'all gone swallow each other.

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