Chapter Thirty Four:

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6 weeks later...

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked Dimitri.

"I'm trying to take my cast off." He said in a duh tone.

I slapped him upside his head. "Leave shit alone."

"Aye, I'm tired of you putting your hands on me woman."

"I'm tiReD oF yOu pUtTinG your haNds On mE woMaN." I mocked.

Chris crawled in giggling

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Chris crawled in giggling. He stopped and tried to stand up. He put his hand against the bed. He wobbly walked towards me.

I gasped. I held out my hands.

"Come here baby."

(A/N Chris is 6 months. Yes it is possible for a baby to walk at six months. Just saying for some of y'all that like to be extra. Lol, just playing)

He walked over to me before he plopped down on his booty.

"Ma." He said holding out his hands and I gladly picked him up.

"You're spoiling him." Dimitri said.

"Oh hush, you're just mad because he wanted me."

He rolled his eyes. He cut on the game. Warriors Vs. The Cavs.

(A/N I know its over but my book get over it 🤷🤷)


"I told you." I laughed in Dimitri's face.

"We won aha." I added doing my happy dance.

"Ohhhh, you quiet now. Huh, what's was that? I don't hear no talking." I fell on the bed laughing holding my stomach.

"Golden state is still trash." He said shrugging. Awww, poor baby is mad. His dumb ass bet on the game.

1.5 million dollars. I know right but, I changed it around to where he bet on Golden State. He doesn't know that though.

"Baby, I changed it."

He looked up at me. He frowned.

"You changed what?"

"The bet."

He shook his head. "You didn't have to do that you know. It was only a million."

I stared at him with a blank face. Rich ass.

"I don't care, I did it anyway." I said shrugging.

"How did you know they was going to win anyway?"

"Um, because its Golden State duhh." I said giggling.

"Trash ass team."

"Aye now, don't get mad because your team couldn't put it down on the court."

He chuckled. "Yeah, but I can put it down in the bed."

"Mhm, that's why Chris is here now."

"Let's make another." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah, no." I said shutting him down.


"Hurry up, and don't drop my baby either." I said rushing Dimitri.

He huffed. Drama Queen.

"It would help if I could see." He said reaching out.

"Its a surprise, you're not suppose to see dude."

He frowned. "I don't like surprises."

"You'll like this one."

'Okay stop." I added.

I let a deep breath. "Take off the blindfold."

(Pretend that say I'm pregnant)

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(Pretend that say I'm pregnant)

"Babe, foreal."

I rolled my eyes. "Nah, I'm lying." I said.

Chris clapped as if he know what was going on.

Dimitri pulled me into a kiss. Chris hit him.

"Gwet off me Ma." He said frowning.

He chuckled. "I love y'all."

"Awww, we love you too."

Excuse mistakes. They cute or whatever 😑😐😶

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