Chapter Five

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Imani Jenkins

I rolled my eyes in disgust. Dimitri, Amber, and I are currently on our way to a party. Being the assistant, I have to attend. Amber was also promoted to the front desk.

"I love you babe." He said kissing her. I scrunched my face up.

"I love you too." He stuck her tongue in his mouth. I almost threw up.

Dimitri turned toward me smirking. He grabbed her face tonguing her down.

I rolled my eyes. He acts like I want him. I could have another him by tomorrow. Matter of fact, I bet I find one at the party.

She giggled pulling away. "Imani, you know if you changed your attitude you could find a man." She smiled.

I glanced up from my phone. "Apple, you know if you stayed out of my business you would know your man is flirting with other females. Then again, it's none of my business." I turned my attention toward my phone again.

The Limo came to a stop. The driver opened the door. I made sure I was the first out. My phone dropped out of my hand. I bent over grabbing it.

"Really Dimitri." I heard from behind me. I turned around. Aloe Vera sped past me. I giggled. That's what he get. Dimitri and I walked through the doors of the club. It was turnt. There was a bar, strippers, and a upstairs V.I.P section. Hell, when did work parties turn into this.

I followed Dimitri to the V.I.P section. In his V.I.P I saw Xzavier. He stared at me through hooded eyes. I sat down next to him grabbing the blunt. I took a puff blowing the smoke in his face. I took another puff before passing it back.

"Who told you to smoke my shit." His voice came out deep. It was sexy as Hell.

"Hey Xzavier." Dimitri said, shaking his hand

"How do you know Dimitri?" I asked.

"I work with you." I just nodded. I never noticed him. We continued to pass the blunt back and forth until it was gone.

I grabbed the bottle of Ciroc taking it to the head. It burned like hell as it went down my throat. Xzavier snatched it from me. He looked sexy as Hell as he gulped down the Alcoholic beverage. I slightly bit my lip, thinking he didn't see it.

"You're not slick." He said chuckling.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I saw you. You better quit before I give you a real reason to bit yo lip." He licked his lips.

I chuckling. "Whatever."

I made my way to the bathroom. I turned the water on splashing it on my face.

I looked up and Dimitri was behind me. I turned around. "What do you want?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Why was you on him like that?" He asked

"Why were you on Amber like that?"

"She's my girlfriend Imani."

"If you say so Mr.Hudson." I turned to walk out only to be pulled back. He starts to lean in but I put my hand up stopping him. "Like you said you have a girlfriend." With that Being said, I walked out


Beep beep beep

I turned off the alarm. My head was pounding. I went downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed some ibuprofen out the cabinet. I also grabbed a bottle of water out of the refrigerator.

As I was sitting down I heard knocks at the door. I opened it to see him. He looked down at what I had in. He smirked.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"May I come in." I stepped to the side. I sat down on the couch. He sat next to me but not close.

"I wanted to apologize for the way I've been acting towards you." I nodded. It was very mature of him to sit down and apologize to me face to face.

"I accept your apology." I smiled hugging him. "I also wanted to tell you I ended things with Amber."

"Why?" Even though it didn't concern me, I still wanted to know

"I realized you're the one I want to be with." He stared at me trying to read my facial expression. I kept a straight face.

"Dimitri." I sighed. "I don't think that's a good idea. I'm your personal assistant and I think it should stay that way."

He nodded. We sat in silence. We continued not stare at one another. "Well, I should go. I have a lot of things to take care of."

I nodded. "If you need me call me." I smiled hugging him again. I wanted to be with him. There was no doubt about it. I just don't think it's a good idea. He walked over to the door with me behind him. He turned around crashing his lips into mine. He pushed me against the wall. His soft lip moved in sync with mine. He pulled away,, slowly biting my lip.

"Think about it." With that being said he walked out.

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