Chapter Thirty Six

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This book will be coming to an ending soon. I'm not sure if there will be a second book. It also will be put under serious editing.

2 week later

"Where the fuck is he?" I asked Lauren.

"I don't know, Do you want me to come up there?"

"No, I'll be fine. He isn't answering his phone or anything. I hope is okay. I should've went with him."

"It will be okay. Relax. Don't stress it, you'll stress my niece."

"You're right but I'll talk to you later."

After I hung up, I tried calling him again.

So far, I've left forty messages and about twenty voicemail. I saw him three days ago and he was going on a trip with the guys.

I didn't go because well it's a boys trip. I didn't want to interrupt their little thing.

My phone lit up from a notification on Snapchat.

Lauren: peep this sis....

As I watched the video I started to get heated.


My eyes struggled to open as the sunlight shined brightly in them. I had one to many drinks with the guys. Next time I'll stay my ass at the


"Let me in." I yelled as I banged on the door.

A shirtless guy opened the door. He clearly had to much to drink.

"Where's Dimitri?" I asked, pushing past him to get in the house.

He ignored me biting his lip. He stared at me as if I was his last meal. I probably should have changed.

I had on volleyball shorts and a pink sports bra with a jacket that wasn't zipped up. I stopped by the house on the way up here.

"How about you stop messing around with Dimitri and come fuck with a real ni—"

I cut him off. "If you finish that word so help me that will be the last word you will ever say." I threatened.

He licked his lips. "Feisty, I liked that." He backed me up until I hit the wall. He put his arms beside my head trapping me.

"You got five seconds to move." I threatened.

He watched amused. Until he caught sight of Dimitri.

"Aye man, she tried to come on to me."

I scoffed, before punching him in the face.

He held his face and put his fist up as he was about to hit me. Dimitri stepped in front of me.

His pretty blue eyes turned black. It scared me because I've never really seen him this mad before. It was no words said. Just stares. He threw his hands into the air, backing away.

"I wasn't even going to touch man." He said before disappearing into an another part of the house.

Dimitri's eyes then turned back to those beautiful blue eyes that I have fallen in love with.

"Are you okay?"" He asked studying my body.

"I'm fine." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"What the fuck do you have on? And whats wrong?" He said frowning.

"I have on clothes, and you wasn't at the doctor's. I'm having your baby remember and you want even here for the appointment."

"First, this isn't clothes. I better not catch you out the house again with it on. Second, the appointment is next week. I have it marked on the calendar."

I felt bad that I had the date wrong, but hey I'm pregnant.

"Okay," I said sucking my teeth. "Who was that girl that was here?"

"That's Andrew's girl. You've met her remember." He said refreshing my memory.

She sucked her lips. "Whatever."

He brushed my hair behind my ear."Chill, I love you, Chris, and my babygirl," He said placing his hand on my stomach.

"I don't plan to mess what I have so special to me up." He said placing a kiss on my lips. He looked at his watch.

"Babe, I have to go. I have a meeting. Call me if you need anything." He walked me out to the car. Chris was in the backseat.

"Dada." He cheerfully clapped his hands.

He got him out the car tossing him into the air.

"Hey buddy."Chris smiled and giggled.

"Wanna come with me to work?" He asked.

Chris nodded. "Kwisses." He said looking at me. I placed tiny multiple kisses all over his face. He squirmed attempting to get away from me.

"Mommy loves you." I said blowing a kiss. I smiled as he blew one back.

"You're spoiling him." Dimitri said.

"Am not. I'm showing love." Dimitri waved me off.

"Girl bye," I giggled. "Nah, I'm playing babe. Give daddy a kiss." I have him a peck on the lips. He frowned.

"The fuck was that."

"A kiss duhh."

He filled his eyes. "I guess. How my babygirl doing in there?" He asked rubbing and kissing on my stomach.

"You could come to work with me. You know, so I can see my son, my wife, and my babygirl."

I thought about it. "I think I'm gonna go see Lauren. Take care of my son."

"OUR son but tell my sister I said hey. I love you my Queen."

"I love you too my... Peasant."

He wrapped his hand around my throat.

"Repeat that." He said biting at my lip.

"I love you to my king."

He smirked. "I thought so." He got in his car leaving. He knows what he does. Leaving me all hot and bothered.

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