Chapter Nineteen:

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I sorted out my papers. I came with Dimitri. I needed to get away from him. His ass was driving me crazy. I needed a break and work was just the thing.

I sighed. How was I gonna tell my mama I'm 4 months pregnant? It all happened so fast. I rubbed my stomach. This baby was a kicker. I couldn't wait.

I looked over at my baby daddy. Lol, baby daddy. Anyway, he looked pretty upset. I got my lazy ass up.

I knocked on his door and walked in. "You don't have to knock. " He fixed his tie.

"I know. " I sat on the edge of his desk. "What's wrong? " I asked.

"Ross wants to join our business together but I don't know. Expanding it will bring in more money and more people. Which also means more work. I like how it is right now. We already make over 3 million dollars a year. What do you think? "

I was taken back by him asking for my opinion. "I think it should remain how it is. " He nodded.

"Thanks mama. " He picked his pen up and began to fill out papers. I watched as his jaw muscles clenched a few times.

"It's rude to stare. "

"It's a free country. "

He chuckled. "Smart ass. "

"You like my smart ass though. "

His sexy eyes met mine. "How you know? "

"I just do. " I bit my lip. Curse these hormones. I shyly slid across his desk onto his lap.

He looked up at me connfused. I looked down at his pants and back at him.

"Baby girl. "

"Yes daddy. " I answered all sweet like.

"Not right now. "

"But I want some dick. "

"I said no. " His voice boomed throughout his office. It wasn't helping either.

I frowned. "Gone over there and sit down. " I huffed. I stomped sitting on the couch. I wanted to cry.

2 hours later.

"Baby girl. " I ignored him. I continued to scroll down on Instagram. Chris Brown had posted a shirtless picture of him. I liked it and commented heart eyes.

"What wrong with her? " Ciara asked.


"She mad because I didn't dick her down. " Ciara shook her head.

"Baby girl is it that serious? " I asked. Her eyes started to water and her bottom lip began to tremble.

"Oh shit. She finna cry. "

"I really wanted some dick. " Tears streamed down her face. Ciara was giggling. She crying over the D.

"Lawd, someone help her. "Ciara said laughing.

"It ain't even that serious. " I said shaking my head laughing. Lord, I come to you for help. Please allow me to make it through these next 5 months. Pregnant women and their hormones.

I wiped her tears. "Like, it's really bomb babe. " I smirked. I be putting it down! Why she so horny?

"Like that time you bent me over this couch. " Ciara jumped up.

"Y'all some nasty triffling bitches. People sit on this couch and y'all be fucking on it! Y'all could've warned me. Over here hunching on couches and shit. " She shook her head exiting my office.

I looked at her eyes. It was one of the things I loved about her. Imani meant the world to me. That's why I hate myself for saying what I said. I didn't mean it. Not a single word. I was just upset that she actually thought I would do something like that. Then Apple pie made it seem like I did when she was rubbing on me.

I want to spend the rest of my life with Imani. Marry her and have lots of children and grow old with her. She means everything to me. She's my everything.

"Hellooo. " She said poking my cheeks.

"Yes? "


"Let's go the beach. " I suggest.

"Alright. I can invite my brother and you can invite Ciara. "


I threw sand at Dimitri and ran into the water. I looked back and he was gone. My squinted my eyes observing Ciara and David. They we're hitting it off pretty well. I felt a pair off arms wrap around me.

I turned around. It was Xzavior. Nah, just fucking with y'all.

It was Dimitri. I wrapped my arms and legs around him. His arms held my waist. I pressed my lips against his. Before, his tongue went into my mouth I pulled away.

I bit my lip. He raised an eyebrow. I nodded. I never broke eye contact. I pulled him out and slid down. I think I'm addicted. Y'all peep that ←.

They nasty. If y'all have some questions feel free to ask. I answer. Please leave comments. Y'all be having me dead 💀.

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Excuse mistakes.
Should something happen between Zae and Imani (Not something nasty tho). I don't know where to go with thier relationship. Message me some ideas. I'll take it into consideration. Also, drop 👇 some baby names. Boy or girl.

Should I do a Q and A with the characters. If so drop Alot of questions.

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