Chapter Four

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Imani Jenkins
3 weeks later.

I was peacefully sleepy until my phone started ringing. I picked it up.

'😍🍦White Chocolate ✨💞'

I groaned. "Yes, Mr.Hudson."

"Be ready at 7." He said handing up. I receive a text a few seconds after he hung up.

😍🍦white Chocolate✨💞: It's an all white party. Meet me at the office.

I looked at the time. It's was 5 pm. Over the past few weeks things between Dimitri and I have been rocky. He recently met a girl named Amber. I don't know what she's been telling him but he's acting like an asshole towards me.

I huffed getting out of my comfortable bed. I went to my closet picking out my outfit.

I went into the bathroom to shower.


I pulled into the parking lot exiting my car. I got on the elevator. The elevator doors opened. I stepped out. I sent a quick text to Dimitri letting him know on was here. I walked in my office beside his. I looked over noticing it was dark in his office. I thought I saw a head moving up and down. I squinting my eyes. Dimitri was getting some bop bop!

I shivered. I looked over at my desk noticing I need a pen. I smirked walking in Dimitri's office

"Damn baby." He groaned. That's nasty. I walked closer to his desk. "What the fuck Imani." He yelled. I grabbed a pen. "Sorry, I needed a pen." I smiled walking back to my office.

I sat down in my chair crossing my legs. I made a note for the Janitor. Making sure his office was spotless.

Dimitri walked in my office. His face held an angry expression.

"It's time to leave." He said annoyed. I got up from my chair. Dimitri eyes was glued to my body. He slightly bit his lip.

"I said all white." He spoke sternly from behind me. I scoffed. "You have a black tie on." I said rolling my eyes. "And stop staring at my ass." I added.

"It's hard not to." He mumbled thinking I wouldn't hear him.


Dimitri stared at me the whole way to the party. Like boo bitch. I didn't say anything though. Once we arrived, the limo driver opened the door. "Thank you." I said smiling.

Dimitri's arm went around my waist. I scrunched up my face. I slapped it away.

"Stop." He spoke. He arm went around my waist again. "If you don't move. I don't know where your hands been so therefore, I don't want them touching me."

"In Amber." He said smirking. I removed his arm. "You play to much."

"Who said I was playing."

"Get the fuck away from me." I said pushing him away.

The first place I went was to the bar. "Vodka." I said the bartender.

"Seems a little early don't you think." I looked over to see the most sexist man on Earth.

" I looked over to see the most sexist man on Earth

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"Nah, I think it's the perfect time." I took the shot.

"Xzavier." He said holding his hand out.

"Imani." I said shaking it.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful woman." He grabbed my hand kissing it.

"Thank you." I said giggling.

"You're welcome baby girl." He licked his lips.

"Imani." Dimitri yelled. I looked over in his direction. He motioned for me.

"I'm sorry I have to go." I started to walk off only to be pulled back.

"Can I get your number?"

"Sure." I quickly put my number in his phone as ' Imani😍😘'

"Bye." I said smiling.

"Bye ma." I walked over to Dimitri.

"Who was that?" He asked

"My business." I said bluntly.

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