Chapter Seventeen

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I drove back to MY house. I unlocked my door. I've missed this place. I sat down on the couch. All of a sudden I had this strong feeling to check Instagram. You know that feeling when someone is cheating or something has gone wrong.

I clicked on Instagram and I refreshed my feed. My heart dropped. Dimitri stood next to her. Her body pressed against his chest. His hands resting on her ass.

My bottom lip started to tremble. My eyes started to water. Not once has he called. Not even to try to explain again. Enough though I probably would've told him to leave me alone.

It's the thought that counts right. It would've told me something if that makes sense.

I threw my phone against the wall. Why me? I turned my attention towards the door.

I opened the door. "Fuck you want? " I asked.

"To talk. " She tried to enter but I blocked her.

"Sorry, hoes aren't allowed here. " I began to close the door but she put her foot in the way stopping it.

She pushed me to the side. You know, there is a limit to what a person can take. I'm fixing to pass mine.

I didn't bother to close the door. She'll be leaving in a minute. "Get out." I piibtes toward the door. She stepped in my face. If she was going to that she could've brushed her teeth.

"Don't get mad because your man isn't satisfied with you. " She said flipojng her hair causing it to flip in my face. I don't even pull hair but...

I blacked out. I grabbed her hair causing her extensions(weave) to fall out. I started to deliver punches to her face. Bascially, I was fucking her shit up as she screamed. Like someone gonna help her.

I could see blood. Left, right, left, right. I kept hitting her until I was pulled off.

"You're going to jail. " She said in between cries.

"When I get I'ma beat ya ass again bitch! " I yelled.

I turned around. I pushed him away from me. "Get the fuck away from me."

"If you would've listened to me you would've known she kissed me! " He yelled in my face.

"But you were to busy assuming shit. " He said threw gritted teeth. I cocked my head to the side laughing.

"I don't find shit funny. " He said.

"I find it funny how you didn't call me afterwards. I find it funny that you took a picture with the bitch. I find it funny that in the picture your hand was on her ass. That's what I find funny. Now, tell me I'm wrong. "

I waited. And waited. "Exactly. " I walked into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water. I began to drink it until it was knocked out of my hand.

"Don't get mad when you messed up. " He gripped my chin roughly. "Dimitri, you got 2.5 seconds to get your hands off me before you not have any. " I threated. He laughed.

"I don't know why your mad. It was a kiss. I don't have to explain myself to you. We're not even dating. "

I quietly gasped. He's right. He never asked me. Not once. But it felt as if we were together.

He walked to me. He leaned down to whisper in my ear. "I got what I wanted anyway. "

I stood still like a statue. "Shut the door on your way out. "

"Congratulations, you're 2 months pregnant. "

I gasped


"He did what! " Ciara and Lauren yelled.

Ciara reached under the table while Lauren reached in her purse.

They pulled out their pistols. "Let's go get him. " They said in unison. I was surprised by Lauren's actions. "He deserves it. " Lauren said reading my mind. I nodded.

I continued to eat my cookies and cream ice cream. My favorite.

"Had me those chocolate chip cookies." Ciara passed them to me. "I think you should slow down. You've been consuming a lot of sweets. "

"Who wouldn't. She's going through a heartbreak. " Laurn said rubbing my back. I nodded in agreement.

I stared at the cookies. I didn't want them anymore. I pushed them out of my face.

I went to my fridge. I spotted pickles. I grabbed them. I sat down.

"Damn, you sucking on them pickles like you sucking on dick. " Ciara said laughing.

"You're just mad because I'm not sucking on yours. " I said laughing.

"Whatever. " She said waving me off.

My phone vibrated indicating I had received a text. I opened it.

Bitch ass: Be at work tomorrow.

I groaned, rolling my eyes. Why? What's the point. So I can see him and Ashley flirt. I don't know how I'm going to get through this.

I was being out of my thoughts by puking sounds. I ran to the bathroom. Lauren and I arrived at the sams time. Ciara was bent over the toilet.

"I'm pregnant. " She said causing our mouths to drop open.

Excuse mistakes. Also, thank y'all for all the votes and comments. It means so much to me. It pushed me to update.

Was ciara the mystery person pregnant?

What does imani mean by 'how am I going to get through this'?

Dimitri bitch ass.

Apple hoe ass.


Should I bring back an old character?

Fire up some drama...

Let Imani get a taste of something different? Hmm, Maybe😈

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