Chapter Two

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Imani Jenkins

I pulled myself out of bed at exactly seven o'clock. I showered, brush my teeth, and washed my hair. I steamed my hair, after I was finished I sprayed some Cantu Oil Sheen into my hair. After that I was done. I tighten my towel up, as I walked into my closet.

I paced around my closet trying to figure out what I was going to wear. I decided on putting on a peach colored floral dress, with some nude heels. I traveled back into the bathroom doing my make up. I put on some nude lipstick, and pulled my hair back, clamping it up. I put on some brownish nude eye shadow. I grabbed my diamond bracelet putting it on my wrist along with some rings. After I finished getting ready I grabbed my hand bag, along with my phone, keys, and some money. I walked out of the house.

I recently just bought a new car. I bought a Cadillac CT6. It was beautiful I got in my car, cranking up the engine pulling off. I checked the time as I was driving it was only seven forty. I smiled I was early as ever.

I pulled into the Hudson Enterprise parking lot. I noticed that Mr. Hudson was getting out his car. I got out of the car closing the door, pushing the lock button on my keys.

"Good Morning Imani." He said smiling

"Morning, Dimitri." I greeted.

"You're mighty early." He said looking at his watch.

"Well, I like to impress."

He nodded as we walked into the building.

"You look beautiful." Dimitri complimented me.

"Thank you handsome."

"Follow me." He demanded after we greeted the lady who was sitting at the front desk.

We got on the elevator going to the top floor. We stepped out as the doors opened. Dimitri walked in front of me leading me into a office across from his.

I think this is my office.

"If you need anything let me know

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"If you need anything let me know. I'll be across the hall." He said smiling.

"Okay." I stated simply.

"Bye beautiful." He said walking out. "Bye." I mumbled. I love this office. It's so much nicer than my last one. It also has a lot more space. I could get use to this. I walked over to the chair, taking a seat. I crossed my legs as I opened the laptop.

I glanced up from the screen glaring at Dimitri. I slightly bit my lip. He is so handsome.

Before he could catch my stare, I took out my phone scrolling down my timeline on Instagram

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Before he could catch my stare, I took out my phone scrolling down my timeline on Instagram. My phone buzzed, indicating I had received a text.

White Chocolate: It's rude to stare at other people.

I glanced up in his direction. He sent me a smirk.

Imani😍😜: I have no idea what you are talking about. I was not staring at you. Don't get cocky.

White Chocolate: Sure. Like 2+2 isn't 4.

Imani😍😘: Don't get smart.

White Chocolate: I've been smart babygirl. That's how I got here.

I glanced at the message rolling my eyes. I placed my feet on top of my desk.

"Are you big mad or little?" I looked up and Dimitri was leaned against the door frame.

"Neither." I mumbled. My phone vibrated on the desk. I typed in my passcode.

My Ride or Die: Wanna go out tonight?

Main one: Sure what time?

My Ride or Die: 9.

I sat it on the table, leaning forward. I looked up and Dimitri was staring at me.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked.

"Nope." I nodded picking up my phone. I scrolled down my feed. I glanced up and Dimitri was still staring at me.

"I know I'm fine but you don't have to stare." I said, flipping my hair over my shoulder. He chuckled.

"You amuse me." He said laughing.


Someone knocked at my door. I looked up telling them they could come in. Dimitri opened my door leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed.

"May I help you?" I asked.

"Yes, I need you to run some errands." He said.

"Okay." I nodded. He walked to my desk laying a piece of paper down. He already had a list of things for me to do, and it's my first day. As he walked out I groaned. He stopped on his heels, he turned around looking at me.

"Is there a problem?" He asked.

"No." I shook my head. I got up out my desk, about to walk out. He grabbed my arm.

"If I'm putting to much on you let me know I don't want you to feel overwhelmed." Dimitri said.

"No it's not a problem, Dimitri." I said, walking off.

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