Chapter Three

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"In my head every time I take a step it's on the clouds
Feeling like a whole lot of power and I don't need a crown
Cause you know the royals you never get to fall in love anyways
And if you couldn't tell I'm falling even more everyday
And every time you kiss me I hear a song
When you look at me it's like nothing is ever wrong
Maybe I'm bad for living in the fantasy
One where you're almost as in love with me" I sung aloud filing paper.

"I didn't know you could sing." I turned around to see Dimitri leaned against the door.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me." I replied smiling.

"I would like to get to know you." He walked over to me fixing his tie.

"Really now." I said raising an eyebrow.

"Really. Let me take you out for lunch." He stated.

"Okay." I bent over grabbing my phone that was on the floor. I rose back up. I looked over at Dimitri who was biting his lip.


"And your not?" He asked chuckling

"Nope." I answered walking out of my office.

"We'll see." He said smirking


He walked over to my side of the car opening the door. "Thank you." I said smiling. We walked side by side to the Olive Garden doors.

"You're welcome beautiful." He replied.

As we walked in, I received dirty looks from the women and lustful looks from the men. We had all eyes on us.

"Table for two." Dimitri spoke.

"Okay." The women behind the desk grabbed two menus, leading us to the table.

She sat our menus on the table. "Do y'all have an idea on what you would like to drink?" She asked with an genuine smile.

"Chateau Lafite." (I know they don't sell this at olive garden but let's pretend.)

"Okay, I'll be back with your drink and ready to take your order." She smiled. "Oh, and y'all make a beautiful couple." She added.

"Oh, we're not-" I was cut off by Dimitri. "Thank you." He answered. Does he find me attractive?

"Actually, I do." My cheeks got hot as they turned red. I can't believe I said that out loud. I was so embarrassed yet, shocked at the same time. I didn't know what to say so I kept quiet.

He slid across the booth. He used his two fingers to lift my head up.

"You're to beautiful to have your head down baby girl." I blushed hard as I looked him in his eyes. He leaned closer causing my breathing to speed up. He observed my face. His rubbed his thumb across my cheek. I remained still. His tongue slid across his bottom lip.

He looked me in my eyes. He glanced down at my lips then back up at my eyes. He grabbed the back of my head bringing it toward him.

He had all control over me. Our lips were touching but not connected. My breathing started to slow down. He slowly connected our lips together. He pulled me on top of his lap. My ran my hands through his hair. He slapped my ass grabbing a hold of it which caused me to gasp. He took that chance to stick his tongue in my mouth. His tongue explored my mouth as his hands kept a tight lock on my ass. I'm glad we're the only ones back here. Before the kiss could escalate into something serious I pulled away.

Without saying anything I got up off of him sitting beside him. I struggled to get my thoughts together. What just happened?

He looked over at me. I giggled a little. I grabbed a paper towel wiping my lipstick of off his lips.

"You're a great kisser." He complimented.

"Thanks, you're not to bad yourself." I smiled looking at him.

The waitress returned only it wasn't the same one as before.

She sat our glasses and wine bottle on the table. She laid eyes on Dimitri. I could tell things are about to change.

"Are you ready to order?" She asked biting her lip.

"Fettuccine Alfredo." He said bluntly.

"Chicken Alfredo with extra cheese." I said smiling. I handed her the menu. She snatched it out of my hand. I furrowed my eyebrows. She grabbed the menu from Dimitri seductively.

She laid her number in the table. I grabbed it throwing it her face. "He's occupied." I said, calmly.

She scoffed walking away. "I'm occupied." He said chuckling. "Yes." I replied. I'm pissed. First she snatches my menu then tries to flirt with Dimitri and give him her number. Women these days.

I looked up to see Dimitri staring at me with those beautiful eyes. It's funny how he was so mean at first but now he's extremely nice.

"What are you staring at?" I asked. Yes, I'm salty about the situation.

"You beautiful." I blushed holding my head down. "What did I tell you about that." He said sternly.

He slowly pressed his lips against mine. He leaned more into me causing me to fall back. I giggled in the kiss. He pinned my hands above my head.

"Did I mention that you're beautiful?" He asked.

"Yes, every five minutes." I said smiling. He chuckled, connecting his lips with mine.

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