Chapter Thirty

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"Babe, while you're out will you bring me some honey gold wings and some McDonald's fries?" I asked.

"Yeah, anything else?" She asked.

"Um, a nerd slush." I said.

"Ok, I'll be there in a minute." With that being said she hung up the phone.

I layed it down on my desk. I started to fill out papers.

"Come in." I said after hearing a knock.

In walked Ciara. She shot me a smile, showing her white teeth. Ciara was pretty but she didn't have nothing on my baby.

I laid my pen down on the desk. I leaned back into my chair.

"Is it anything you need?" I asked.

"Yeah." She walked yo to my desk. "Is Imani here?"

"No, she isn't. Do I need to call her?" I reached for my phone. She pushed it out of the way.

"No. What I need is you." She said coming towards me.

What she said had caught me off guard. I stood up quickly.

"I think you need to leave." I said pointing to the door.

She smirked. "I'll leave for now but I'll be back." She winked. After she left, Imani walked in.

"Hey babe." She kissed me on the cheek.

I debated whether or not if I should tell Imani. It wasn't that serious but at the same time I need to tell her.

"We need to talk." I said taking the food out of her hand. I say her down and explained to her what had happened a few seconds ago.

"You ok?" I asked. I couldn't tell what she was thinking because she facial expression was blank.

She got up and started to walk out until I grabbed her.

"Where you going."

"To talk." She said shrugging.

I watched as she walked over to Ciara. I couldn't understand what they was saying. Then, Imani dragged her ass. Everybody was crowded around them and all you could hear was Worldstar. I ran to them. My baby was beating that ass.

She was looking sexy while doing it too. After a few minutes, I pulled them apart. I took Imani back to my office. All she had was a busted lip. Which wasn't surprising since her lips are super sensitive and didn't take much to bleed. (Y'all know what I'm trying to say?)

I grabbed a napkin and some water and patted her lip. Staring into her eyes.



"My baby." I cooed. I kissed all over him as he smiled and giggled.

"I love my baby." I said smiling. I lightly hugged him and giggled when he slobbered all over my cheek.

"Gimmie my son." Dimitri said taking him from me.

"Who do you think you are?" I mumbled.

"Daddy." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ughh." I said rolling my eyes.

"Imani baby."

"Huhh?" I said turning around.

"Don't let me catch you in those again." I looked down at my leggings before rolling my eyes.

"She done lost her mind hasn't she." He spoke to Chris.

"Yosjk." He look at me frowning.

Well damn. They trying to gang up on me.


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