Chapter Twenty Nine

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"You have to be quiet baby." Dimitri whispered in our ear.

I tried my hardest to conceal my moans that were coming from my mouth. Our parents was downstairs waiting on us.

He grunted as he went in deeper. "Fuckkk!" I scratched at his back. He put one hand on the wall and had the other holding me. Yes, we are in the bathroom.

"Right th--" His hand covered my mouth. My body began to shake as he stroked. His hand wrapped around my neck. I love that rough shit.

"Cum with Daddy." He growled in my ear.

"Dimitri!" I screamed out as I released, causing him to release. I held on to him trying to catch my breath. I could here Dimitri chuckle. I slowly put each leg down. I pulled my dress down.

Before I opened to door I felt something run down my leg. I looked down. It was Dimitri's babies. I gagged. It felt so nasty.

I started to get cleaned up. I knew where everything was because we are at my mom's house. Then it hit me.


"Yes babe." He said smiling. That little sneaky mother----

"Are you trying to get me pregnant again?" It would make sense because he was been dicking me down more than usual, and he hasn't been pulling out.

I honestly think it is way to soon. I mean, everything is just falling into place. I just don't know.

"Imani, I know you might think it's too soon but I really want another one of us running around."

"Dimitri, are you crazy? I literally just had Chris 3 months ago and you already want another kid."

He doesn't think about me. He doesn't carry around a child for 9 months. He doesn't have to push a human being out of his coochie. I mean, he doesn't have one but y'all get my point

I opened the door walking out. I made my way downstairs.

"About time, what were y'all doing? Making another Chris?" My mama spoke chuckling.

If she only knew. I picked up Chris kissing all over him.

"Mommy, missed her baby." Chris started to smile and giggle. The doorbell rung. Indicating that someone was at the door.

I walked over to the door opening it. Dimitri's aunt, uncle, brother, and sister stood in front of me. I stood to the side letting them in.

"Um, Imani may I talk to you outside?" His aunt spoke. I nodded handing Chris to Lauren.

I closed the door behind me.

"I would like to apologize to you. I'm sorry I came at you like that. I realize that not all people are the same. "

She took at deep breath. "When I was younger my father left my mother for a black women. My mother was depressed. She felt as if she wasn't good enough for him so she took it out on me. She started to drink, and when she did she yelled at me, and hit on me. She blamed me because he left. She used to hit on me for something I didn't do. The women he left her for took all his money leaving him broke. So, I assumed that you were just like her. I thought you wanted Dimitri for his money. I'm sorry I judged you."

"I understand where you are coming from. I respect that you came to me face to face and apologized. I also accept it. You also have to realize that not all people are the same. Im in love with Dimitri. He is the second most important person in my life."

She nodded pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back.

"Give my baby." I said grabbing him from Lauren.

"Here take him. He like to pull hair." Lauren mugged Chris.

"Yup, just like his father." Of course he had to say something. I stared at him with a blank expression.

His uncle chuckled. He grabbed Chris.

"Wassup Christian my man. We already know you gonna have them hoes flocking at your feet."

"Unc!!" Dimitri said.

"Hush, boy. Anyway, Chris remember this....Never leave a diamond for a rock. Like your father did. I would've scooped Imani up if he wouldn't have beat me to her."

Tina, Dimitri's aunt glared at him. Like her eyes was saying don't nobody want you and say something else crazy.

"And if I wasn't married." He said chuckling nervously. Don't get me wrong. Dimitris uncle isn't ugly. Y'all might know him as David Beckham.


We were all laughing and having a good time at the table. Dimitri put his on my upper thigh. I removed it laying it back on his thigh.

He placed his hand back gripping my thigh. I sighed.

"Are you still upset with me princess?" He whispered in my ear.

I ignored his question focusing my attention elsewhere.

"Answer me princess." I slightly shivered as his lips grazed my neck.
I continued to ignore him.

"I don't like to be ignored." He growled lowly in my ear. A couple of seconds later I saw him drop his fork, and he went to receive it.

I gasped as I felt his finger slid in me. Has he lost his rabbit ass mind? What if we get caught?

I bit my lip as I felt his tongue against my clit. I hate him so much.

"It's Niagara falls down here." I rolled my eyes, closing my legs. He reopened them and rammed three fingers into me, causing me to grip the table.

"Don't ever try that again. You gone lose that attitude babygirl." He removed his fingers, replacing them with his tongue. He slid his tongue in me.

I tried to keep my eyes from rolling back as his tongue work wonders inside me. My legs begin to shake as he licked me up and down.

He started to suck on my lower pair of lips as his tongue slid in-between them. If I bit my lip any harder it would start bleeding.

I slightly arched my back releasing in his mouth. He came back up with the fork in his hand.

His kissed me letting me taste myself. He pulled away and whispered. "When we get home, I want you naked on the bed waiting for me with your hair down after I put our son to sleep. Understand babygirl?"

"Yes." I whispered.

How did they not notice us??

Excuse any mistakes

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