S1>01: The Journey Begins

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BEEP!... BEEP!... BEEP!...




A small figure creep into Yuna room and laughed quietly as it entered.

Yuna sighs and turned around facing the person all the sudden, black-brown eyes clashed with brown eyes.

The small figure gasped, "AH!" FALL~ THUD!


The small boy named Takato laughed sheepishly, "Ahaha~ Nee-chan! (Big Sister) Your up!"

Meet Takato Tidus Courage Ketchum, a seven year old boy and the little brother to our heroine. He has spiky auburn, black tips hair and brown eyes.

"Umm..." Yuna stood up from her bed and stretched, "*Yawn* Considered the alarm clock was beeping." She looked at her little brother, "Yuuki, (Courage) why are you up early?"

"Hehehe, I helped mum with breakfast." Takato replied excitedly.

"Oh... Okay. Now out you go, I have to get washed up and changed." The older sister waved, indicating to go outside.

"Okay, see ya down stairs." Takato said and ran outside her bedroom door, closing it.

Yunasighs, "So energetic." She walked towards her bathroom and quickly got showered, she exited out with her new clothes on and brushed her long blue violet-black hair, quickly tying it back into a low ponytail with a red rope ribbon in place and her front hair brushed out of the way, her right side bangs was held up with two red clips and a single on the left side.

[A/N: Image of Yuna and Takato will be put the next chapter of Characters Profile!]

"Now time to check everything I have." Yuna got her backpack. "Let's see, Potions... First Aid or Medicines... Camping Supplies... Portable Tent... Fishing Supplies... Extra Pokéballs, all kind... PokéNav... Vs. Recorder... Mini Laptop... And finally change of clothes... Also note to self; buy some other things..." She mumbled, writing on a shopping list and nodded after she was done writing, "Check! *sighs* Thank Acreus for Portable Bags."

Yuna exited out of her room after fixing her bed and room, she headed downstairs where her mother Delia and her little brother, along with their Pokémon, Lightning and Takato's small black and grey Bite Pokémon; Poochyena a.k.a Zachary or Zack for short, were all waiting for her.

On the table was; bacon, eggs, toast, hams, and sides dishes; some cut up vegetables and fruits, drinks; water, orange juice and chocolate milk.

"Morning." Delia smiled placing the last plate on the table.

"Raf!" Zachary barked happily.

"Pika pika!" Lightning greeted happily.

"Morning mom." Yuna greeted with a smile. "Morning Zack, Light."

"Breakfast is all set, now hurry up before it gets cold."

"Right." Yunalesca sat down beside her little brother and they all started eating the delicious food.

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