S2>56: Kalos Region; Alain's Kalos League Semi-Finals Battle! Part.2

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Sorry for the mistake. I didn't mean to post this chapter yet because it was only half way finished. I was currently trying to fix up all the chapters numbers. I had two chapter 24 and I checked it twice, so I have to fix it all the chapters, while saving the published ones.


----   [Break Scene] ----

Intense battle action is a wholeheart of the Kalos League, after many hard battles, Alain has made it to the semi-final rounds and for the full battle ahead.

Intense battle action is a wholeheart of the Kalos League, after many hard battles, Alain has made it to the semi-final rounds and for the full battle ahead

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"Hi, Malva Pachira here and reporting live." The news reporter greeted, "The Kalos League is underway and well into the battle action. Now let's all take a look at some of the previous battles of the Preliminary rounds."

The t.v showed some of the battles from all the Preliminary rounds.

"I can't hardly wait for more battle action to come." Malva smiles, "And I'm sure you feel the same way."

• • • • •

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to our first battle of the semi-final rounds and our trainers are making their entrances."

The crowd cheered.

Both trainers entered.

Alain on the right side.

The male trainer around 17, who has spiky green hair and orange eyes, wearing a black jumper with dark green knee length pants and green, white and yellow sneakers. He was also wearing a Key Stone that was in a green bead style bracelet.

"And now for the battlefield..."

"It's a fooorreesstttt!"

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"It's a fooorreesstttt!"

[A/N: I'm kind of lost about the Kalos League battle fields. So I'm trying to do it in the way that was shown in the anime.]

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