S2>61: Mandarin Island; Elite Four Prima! Ice Battle!

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---- [Break Scene] ----

The gang had come to an island called Mandarin Island and well let's just say it packing with trainers and battles.

The gang had come to an island called Mandarin Island and well let's just say it packing with trainers and battles

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"Tyrunt, Stone Edge." Alain said.

"Gaia, Ice Beam." Yuna said.

"Tyrunt Tyr!" Tyrunt summoned small sharp edge stones and toss them towards the Orange Island Butterfree pattern, it hit the Pokémon directly.

"Amaura...." Gaia fired an icy beam towards Scyther and it was a direct hit.

Both Pokémon collapsed on the ground with swirling eyes.

"Oh no!" Both opponents yelped and returned their Pokémon, leaving the area, fast.

"Way to go!" Takato and Mairin cheered.

Yuna and Alain returned back their Pokémon.

"Let's get something to eat." Volkner said.

---- [Break Scene] ----

The gang were now at a cafe, sitting outside, enjoying the breeze.

"Don't you found it strange that a lot of trainers are asking for battles?" Volkner asked

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"Don't you found it strange that a lot of trainers are asking for battles?" Volkner asked.

Yuna blinked, "Actually I do."

"I can answer that." A female voice said.

They turn around and saw a familiar red-orange hair girl.

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