S1>43: Back to Pallet Town & Weeks Training for the Indigo League

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---- [Break Scene] ----

After winning the Earth Badge, our heroes are now in the Ketchum siblings hometown; Pallet Town.

"Wow, what a peaceful town this is." Brock said.

Mairin nodded, "Yeah and its pretty."

Yuna smiled, "Thanks."

Takato grinned happily with Zack beside him, "Come on, we should head home and see if mum is here." He ran ahead.

The others ran after the youngest Ketchum.

When they arrived at the Ketchum home, they saw Delia there waiting for them at the front of the house.

"Mom! / Mum!" The Ketchum siblings beamed at their mother.

Delia smiled and hugged her children, "Yuna, Takato welcome home!" She greeted them, "Light and Zack as well."

"Pikapi." Light smiled.

Zack barked, happily.

"It's nice to see you again, Alain, Mairin and Brock." Delia smiled at them.

"It's nice to see you too Mrs. Ketchum." They greeted back.

"I still thank you all for thanking care of Mew and Tidus."

"It's was no problem, really." Brock said, "We had a great time in travelling with her."

Alain nodded.

"It's was fun." Mairin grinned.

Delia giggled, "I see, well come on in." She said.

---- [Break Scene] ----

They entered the Ketchum home and Persian and Meowth greeted them at the entrance way.

"Hey Persian, Meowth." Yuna petted them.

Both cats purred at the touch.

Takato saw the dragon Pokémon and the wind chime Pokémon here the window, "Horsea, Chimecho."

Horsea who was inside a nice size tank with equipment inside, blew bubbled when he notice them, "Horsea~"

Chimecho was was attached to the top of the window, "Chime~ Chime~~" She sang in greeting.

"Bastet, Kitty, Bubble and Echo are wonderful company, they love to be near the window so I had them there." Delia said.

Near the window was a large cat bed with a red yarn ball and kitty paw blankets.

"Where are Delibird and Roserade?" Takato asked.

"Dely is out on a delivery for me and Lady Rose is tending to the garden, she is in charge of it along with Lady Vanny." Delia answered.

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