S1>14: Electric Shock Showdown at Vermilion City Gym

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Hope you enjoyed the previous chapter, where all the Eeveelution was introduced and a FanArt Eeveelution was added.


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After two weeks of traveling and training our heroes finally arrive at Vermilion City where Yuna will earn her next gym badge.

[A/N: I've been spelling 'Vermilion' as 'Vermillion'? Oh well... Continue...]

The gang looked at the sign in front of them.

It said:
Vermilion City

"Wahoo!~ After two weeks of travelling, we finally made it

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"Wahoo!~ After two weeks of travelling, we finally made it." Mairin cheered, both hands up in the air.

"Still at a least our Pokémon was able to train well during those days." Yuna said. Her Pokémon; Chimchar evolved into Monferno and Gothita evolved into Gothorita.

"Vulpix~" Yukimi nuzzled her mother leg.

Professor Oak also called them, he was having a field day with all Eeveelution, he was excited to study Ianthe about her unique colouring. Though he was upset that he couldn't study Takato's Brezeon yet, but one day.

Takato nodded, "Yeah! My Chespin was able to evolve into Quilladin and Sandshrew evolved into Sandslash." He chirped.

"I guess." Mairin said, her Oddish evolved into Gloom.

Alain let out a small smile, his Bagon has evolved into Shelgon.

"Hahaha." Brock chuckled, weakly. "Let's get going to the Pokémon Centre."

The rest of the gang nodded, "Okay."

----   [Break Scene] ----

The gang arrived at the Pokémon Centre, after handing their Pokémon to Nurse Joy they all decide to do their own things.

Yuna, Alain and Brock headed to the PokéMart to stock up some of their supplies, Takato and Mairin stayed inside the Pokémon and the young Ketchum called his mother to send some ingredients in, towards Vermilion City.

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