S1>29: The Bridge Bike Gang

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Sorry for not posting it on New Year. But as an apology... I'll be posting two more chapters, so heads up.


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With fond memories of the Safari Zone and meeting two new friends fresh in their minds, or heroes continued on their journey find themselves resting in the Pokémon Centre.

Yuna has phone her mother, keeping her updated on her travels.

Delia was delighted to have some more Pokémon company, the restaurant was busy, busy for the few days because of people booking in for parties there and here.

Yuna and Takato was happy that everything was alright, since they sometimes help out with the restaurant, even though they are young but they need to exercise and helping in the restaurant was prefect.

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The gang was relaxing themselves in the lounge of the Pokémon Centre.

"Excuse me, if you would spare some time, would you mind helping me out please?" Nurse Joy asked the gang.

"Huh?" The gang said.

"What's wrong Nurse Joy?" Yuna asked.

Nurse Joy face turned into a sorrowful one, "I'm worried for the Pokémon in Sunny Town just over the bridge who is very sick." She explained.

"Sick Pokémon." Mairin said.

"Yes." Nurse Joy walked to the front desk and show the gang a medicine bag, "I need someone to deliver this medicine to the Pokémon Centre in Sunny Town... Normally I'll deliver it myself but..."

"Today, your too busy to leave the sick Pokémon here in the Pokémon Centre." Alain said.

Nurse Joy nodded, "Correct."

"We don't mind but, we don't have a bicycles to cross the bridge." Yuna stated, the problem.

"That's right." Brock said.

The problem was that the only way to Sunny Town was by the bridges; the first bridge, which was used for cars to cross and the second bridge, which was available but only for bicycles and finally the last bridge, which was still under construction was for walking.

"No problem, we could lend you our own bicycles." Nurse Joy smiled, "There in the Parking Lot Area."

Mairin jumped up and down, "Alright, we get to cross the bridge." She cheered.

"Thank you Nurse Joy, we'll take this medicine and deliver it to the Pokémon Centre in Sunny Town." Yuna said, taking the medicine, placing it into her bag.

"Thank you." Nurse Joy smiled.

----   [Break Scene] ----

"Come on big brother~ Go fast~" Mairin wined, she rode on the back.

"Mairin, if we go to fast we might hurt ourselves and I'm not risking that." Alain scolded his little sister, as they were on a dark blue bike.

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