S1>02: Enter Route 1 and Spearow Trouble!

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After receiving three new Pokémon from Professor Oak: Chespin, Fennekin and Froakie we now find our heroes walking through Route 1 to see if anything catches their eye.

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"Sugoi~" Takato looked around in awe, "Here's so many Pidgey's here."

Yuna laughed, "We're in Route 1 Yuuki, of course their be only Pidgey's here, also Spearow. Which I intend to avoid at all cost." She deadpanned the last words.

Takato winced, "Good call." He heard stories how a flock of Spearow attack people. "Hey Nee-chan, can we go to a river, I want to see if I can catch a Water-type Pokémon."

"Sure." Yuna pulled out her PokéNav and looked up a map on the screen, "There is one nearby. Let's go."

The Ketchum siblings walked off into the direction of the river stream. Soon they arrived at the stream where the water was flowing normally, they decide to set up camp here for the moment before moving on.

Takato pulled out a blue fishing rod with a lure that was blue crystal like.

"Come on out Chespin." He released his Spiny Nut Pokémon.

"Chespin!" Chespin smiled.

"Zack and I are going to try and catch a Water-type Pokémon. Wanna join?"

Zachary barked.

"Ches, (Yes,)" Chespin nodded, "Chespin Ches. (I'll join in.)"

"Yosh, let's go." Takato walked towards the river stream and carefully tossed the line into the river. "Now we wait..."

Both Pokémon sat beside their trainer carefully watching the fishing line.

While Takato was fishing Yuna decide to train her new Pokémon a bit.

"Alright, come out Fennekin, Froakie." Yuna called out her two Kalos Region Pokémon.

"Fennekin~" Fennekin yipped.

"Froakie." Froakie blinked.

"Time to train you two, because the first Gym is Rock-type Gym. But first is what moves you both know." Yuna looked them up.

[Fennekin Know Moves; Scratch, Tail Whip, Ember, Howl, Flame Charge, Psybeam and Light Screen.

Egg Move: Heat Wave and Magic Coat which as yet to be unlocked.]

Yuna whislted, "Amazing, set so far. Lightning can teach you Iron Tail."

"Pika pika. (Roger that.)" Lightning nodded.

"Next." Yuna scanned Froakie.

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