S2>52: Tangelo Island; The Lost Lapras

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---- [Break Scene] ----

Last time our heroes arrived at Valencia Island to receive a mysterious Pokéball for Professor Oak, after getting the GS Ball from Professor Ivy.

Brock decided to stay back with Professor Ivy and her assistants, to learn more about Pokémon. And the gang said their goodbyes and parted way to Tangelo Island.

Upon arriving at Tangelo Island, the gang was at the beach, relaxing for a while.

"Wow." Mairin awed.

"What do we do first?" Takato asked.

"Found the Pokémon Centre, sign up for the Orange League and than found out a way to travel." Yuna answered

"We could have our Water-type Pokémon Surf on the water. Or we could Fly Island to Island." Alain suggested.

"That's true." Yuna nodded.

"LAPPP!" A Pokémon cried out was heard.

The Pokemon ears twitched at the noise.





All three Pokémon ran to the cry of the Pokémon.




The gang ran after their Pokémon and then they saw what the Pokémon heard and they were really mad.

Three male trainers who are dressed up like thugs were all beating up a Lapras with a wooden stick.

Three male trainers who are dressed up like thugs were all beating up a Lapras with a wooden stick

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"Hey!" Takato shouted out.

"What do you think your doing to the Pokémon?!" Yuna shouted. "Leave that Lapras alone."

"Lapp..." Lapras opened its eyes and saw four trainers who are defending it.

" Lapras opened its eyes and saw four trainers who are defending it

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