S1>23: Slimy Trouble in Gringy City

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Another chapter as an apology for the long wait!


----   [Break Scene] ----

As the gang continued travelling they came to a place called Gringy City.

The gang didn't really like Gringy City, why you ask because the place was badly polluted, with thick grey smoke was raising into the air and the water was a dark colour.

"I really really don't like this place. Its filthy and badly polluted, also a real bad stench in the air." Yuna stated bluntly about the place.

Mairin nodded, "Yeah and they is only lots of factories,"

"And no people about." Takato finished.

Brock was reading information on Gringy City and frowned, "Listen to this; its says, Gringy City was originally bustling with activity but the city eventually over-expanded the factories and power plants, resulting in the town becoming virtually abandoned as well as the sea nearby becoming polluted." He read out.

"We should find the Pokémon Centre fast, I don't think its safe out here." Alain suggested.

The gang nodded agreeing and they quickly walked to the Pokémon Centre location right away.

----   [Break Scene] ----

It was quiet late when the gang reached the Pokémon Centre, so Nurse Joy was not happy with them being out so late

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It was quiet late when the gang reached the Pokémon Centre, so Nurse Joy was not happy with them being out so late.

The gang quickly book a room and left to their room.

Yuna lay on the bed, with Light on her stomach, "For once my glad to be inside, instead of outside." She said.

"Your right, the air in this place is really bad." Takato said.

"And the sight isn't good at all." Mairin added.

Good thing Zack and Chespie were tired before they arrived in Gringy City.

"I suggest we leave immediately when daylights hit." Alain suggested.

"I'm with you." Brock nodded.

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