S1>08: The Unbeatable AJ with 99 Wins?

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Warning: Its a short chapter!


We find our heroes taking a rest stop at a forest or training their Pokémon. Yuna was eager to get to Vermilion City because of her next Gym Badge.

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Right now both older siblings of Takato and Mairin are battling each other, with their Charizard's against each other.

"Nuria, Iron Tail!" Yuna ordered.

"Charizard, Iron Tail as well!" Alain countered.

Both flame Pokémon charged each other with their tails glowing white, they both slammed and dodged each other attacks.

As both Charizard's skidded back, staring at each other intensely.


"Time's up!" Brock called out.

Yuna and Alain sighs and recalled back their Pokémon not before healing them up.

"Great battle you two." Brock complimented, exiting the tent and to say he fell in love with the portable tent, he was setting up the foods for both people and Pokémon.

"Thanks." Yuna and Alain said.

Yuna blinked and notice that two kids were missing, "Takato! Mairin! It's lunch!" She called out.

"Pikapi! (Lunch time!)" Light exclaimed.

"Coming!" Both kids replied.

Everyone and Pokémon's began to dig into their lunch.

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Having finished lunch they set off on the road again, talking about random things.

"Hey, what type is the Vermillion Gym?" Mairin asked out of the blue.

"The gym uses Electric-type." Yuna replied.

"What Pokémon are you going to use Yuna?"

Yuna blinked, "Don't know... I'll decide when I get there."

Mairin nodded.

Continuing down the road or path, Yuna ended up battling five trainers along the way.

Right now Yuna is battling against Ratatta, with Hoshimi, who didn't get to battle last time because of Team Rocket interference.

"Hoshi, use Mach Punch." Yuna ordered.

"Cleffa~~" Hoshimi jumped happily and then ran, punching the rat Pokémon, sending it back.

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