S1>38: Pokémon Girls' Festival; Princess vs. Princess

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Three people are back in this chapter!
Misty, Flint and Volkner!
What's a Princess vs. Princess without Misty love of shopping to jazz this chapter up!

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As a Special Thanks to all my lovely followers, I'll be posting up 4 chapters today! Let's begin!


---- [Break Scene] ----

Today our heroes has met up with their friends; Misty, Volkner and Flint, apparently Volkner was able to get a week vacation, Flint is being Flint of dragging Volkner around and Misty, her sisters allowed her to take a break and she met up with Yuna and Mairin telling them about a special event happening today.

Today our heroes has met up with their friends; Misty, Volkner and Flint, apparently Volkner was able to get a week vacation, Flint is being Flint of dragging Volkner around and Misty, her sisters allowed her to take a break and she met up with Yu...

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"Today is the day! My favourite holiday!" Misty her arm in the air, "Let the Princess Festival Begin!"

"Yeah!" Mairin cheered as well, when she heard what the Princess Festival is, she was all up for it!

Yuna smiled, uncertain about this event and she wasn't really shopping person.

"Today, the woman's rules!" Misty declared. "This is a one day of the year!" She turned to the boys who blinked, "You all have to do everything we girls tell you to do!"

"Everything?" Takato said.

"Arf? (Everything?)" Zack repeated.

"Chespin Ches. (This is bad.)" Chespie deadpanned.

Flint and Brock groaned, "This is going to be nightmare." They said.

Alain and Volkner looked at each other and sighs.

"Right! Let's split up! Brock, Flint, Takato and your Pokémon's are with me and Mairin!" Misty decided. "Volkner and Alain are with Yuna. Let's go!" She walked off to the first store.

Mairin happily followed with the boys following behind, slowly.

Light, Korin and Yukimi waved at them, "(Good luck!)" They said, knowing that they'll need it.

Yuna laughed quietly at them, "Well let's go." She said, walking towards a store.

Volkner and Alain nodded, following behind.

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