S1>30: Stone Town; The Town of Evolution Stones: The Eevee's Brothers

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Chapter with three summaries of what happened in the anime, like before.

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First; When the gang was travelling, when it started to rain and took the gang by surprise but luckily there was shelter for them to take cover, it was a mansion.

They meet the owner of the mansion; she was Trainer with cadet-blue hair and brown eyes; Duplica.

Duplica told them about her mansion which was a theatre for her show about impersonation, which the theatre was called 'The House of Imite'. She also introduced them to her Pokémon and partner in the show; Ditto.

Ditto is a small light purple or magenta blob-like Pokémon who has the ability to transform into any Pokémon and capable of transforming into an exact replica of any psychic object.

The gang found it amazing but they found one problem with it, Duplica Ditto has trouble with its face when it transforms, it was completely the wrong face, it remains a Ditto-like face.

The gang found it amazing but they found one problem with it, Duplica Ditto has trouble with its face when it transforms, it was completely the wrong face, it remains a Ditto-like face

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That wasn't the only problem they had, Team Rocket was listening and heard about Ditto's Transform powers and wanted to use it as there own. They wanted Ditto to transform into a rare Pokémon and give it to their Boss as a prize.

When Team Rocket succeed in taking Ditto, they ordered Ditto to transform into a Dratini but then they notice the problem, the face was Ditto-like face and it made them mad, no matter what they tried the face reminds the same, till...

Meowth threatened to claw Ditto, it got scared and quickly rearranged its face till it was like Meowth's and Team Rocket was extremely happy it worked.

Too bad for Team Rocket, the gang appeared and quickly defeated Team Rocket, they were also surprised that Ditto's face was the exact face of the Pokémon it transformed into.

Duplica was happy that her Ditto was back in her arms and her Ditto could transform properly, she can now reopen her theatre.

Duplica was happy that her Ditto was back in her arms and her Ditto could transform properly, she can now reopen her theatre

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