S2>54: Sunburst Island; The Crystal Onix!

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---- [Break Scene] ----

Once again we find our heroes sailing through the sunny surf, they don't know it, but a new adventure is drifting their way.

Light and Raichu were on Lapras head, enjoying the view.

Light spotted something, floating on the water, "Pikachu? (What's that?)" She asked.

This got the gang curious, they saw a bottle floating on the water.

This got the gang curious, they saw a bottle floating on the water

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Both transport and atrocious Pokémon stopped.

Raichu used his tail to grabbed the bottle and then handed it to Yuna.

Yuna looked at the bottle, which had a piece of paper inside, "Huh? There's a paper inside." She said and she opened the lid of the bottle.

"A letter?" Mairin questioned.

"Raichu." Raichu blinked.

"Might be from one of the islands." Alain said.

"Have a read Yuna." Volkner said.

Yuna remove the paper from inside the bottle and opened it up reading it out, " Umm, lets see. "If you know anything about a Pokémon known as the Crystal Onix, let me know right away. Signed Marissa Isao from Sunburst Island." Huh?" She said, confused by this message.

"A Crystal Onix?" Mairin said.

"Never heard of it." Takato added.

"I have." Alain spoke up, "It's says that a Crystal Onix is an Onix that looks like made out of glass. Though it's said to be a myth. But some people said that they've seen it." He said.

Yuna smiled, "Sounds really interesting. We should check this out and who knows we might even see the Crystal Onix." She said, excitedly.

Both kids smiled, "Same here! Same here!"

"Doesn't sound like a bad idea." Volkner said.

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