S2>69: Tarroco Island; Open Sea: Lapras Pod!

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---- [Break Scene] ----

It's not surprising that even after defeating the Orange Crew Leader, both receiving the winner's trophy and being honoured in the Orange League Hall of Fame. Yuna and Alain have won it.

"Its amazing that both Yuna and big brother have won the Orange League Championship." Mairin smiled.

"So true!" Takato chirped in.

"Lapp!" Lapras suddenly turned and started to speed up.



Both electric mouse Pokémon yelped.

"Woah!" Yuna, Mairin and Takato held on tightly.

Shiny Gyarados, Alain and Volkner all stared blankly at the transport Pokémon speed.

"What's wrong with Lapras?" Alain asked.

"Don't know, but we better hurry after them." Volkner replied.

"Gyarados follow Lapras." Alain ordered.

"Grr." Shiny Gyarados swam after the transport Pokémon.

• • • • •

Light looked ahead and saw a familiar Pokémon in the distance, "Pikachu Pika! (There is a school of Lapras!)"

"Eh?" Yuna looked head and saw the school of Lapras as well, "Could it be? Lapras are those your family that you got separated from?" She asked her transport Pokémon

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"Eh?" Yuna looked head and saw the school of Lapras as well, "Could it be? Lapras are those your family that you got separated from?" She asked her transport Pokémon.

"Lappp!" Lapras replied, nodding happily, he has found his family.

"I see." Yuna smiled, she remembered her promise to him and now she can fulfill it.

"How cool." Takato said.

"Lappp! Lappp!" Lapras' called out towards the pod.

The Lapras' pod heard Yuna's Lapras but ignored him.

Alain frowned, "Thats strange. Their ignoring him." He said.

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