S1>26: Pokémon Ranch; Let the Pokémonathon Race Begin!

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First Present! Hope you enjoy!


---- [Break Scene] ----

After obtain the Soul Badge at Fuchsia Gym, the gang arrived at a field that had fences built and Pokémon all the same with in them.

"Wow, look at all those Pokémon." Mairin said.

"Countryside?" Takato said.

"Who knows." Brock said.

"Looks like a Ranch." Alain commented.

"That's what I thought as well." Yuna agreed.

Then they felt the grounded shaking.

"Do any of you feel that?" Yuna asked.

"Yeah." Mairin nodded.

"Earthquake?" Takato asked.

"I don't think so." Alain said and spotted a group of brown bull-like Pokémon running. "It could be from them." He pointed.

Yuna scanned the herd Pokémon.

[Tauros, the Wild Bull Pokémon. Once it takes aim at its foe, it makes a headlong charge. It is famous for its violent nature.]

"Woah." Takato said.

"Growl!" A familiar Pokémon barked, from behind them.

The gang turned around and spotted a Growlithe.

The gang turned around and spotted a Growlithe

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"Hey, its a Growlithe." Takato smiled.

Yuna pointed her Pokédex towards the puppy Pokémon.

[Growlithe, the Puppy Pokémon. While loyal to its master, the Growlithe will drive away enemies by barking and biting.]

"Where's its trainer?" Mairin wondered.

"Right here." A female voice replied.

The saw a girl with blue hair in a low ponytail and blue eyes, riding on a fire horse Pokémon.

"Its a Ponyta." Brock said.

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