S1>25: Hidden in the Forest is Fuchsia Gym! Poison Ninja Battle!

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A heads up; Tomorrow I'll be posting 3 Yes THREE chapters of Pokémon! As a Merry Christmas Present Gift! Because it's the Pokémon Ranch, Kangaskhan and Safari Zone! All Three! Hope I can do it!


---- [Break Scene] ----

After dealing with the Diglett and Dugtrio, the gang continued to find the Fuchsia Gym, but the problem was finding the gym was not was easy at all for them.

"Alright, this is totally ridiculous!" Mairin shouted, throwing her arms in the air, frustrated.

Takato nodded, "I agree with Mai there! We've been searching for Fuchsia gym for but all we found was,"

"Trees and more trees!" Mairin finished.

"Uh huh. Why did they built a gym in the middle of nowhere?" Takato asked.

"Who knows, it be a reason why it's hidden." Yuna replied.

"Maybe we should take a small break." Brock said and he spotted a small waterfall, "And look there's a small waterfall near here."

Yuna and Alain nodded.

----   [Break Scene] ----

Yuna was looking though her PokéNav Plus and saw something, "The gym is near here." She muttered.

"Yuna what Pokémon are you going to use?" Mairin asked.

Without looking up from the PokéNav Plus, "Len, Rin and Tsukimi." Yuna replied, immediately.

Brock nodded, "Those are great choices." He said.

----   [Break Scene] ----

After the break the gang set of once more to find Fuchsia Gym, it seems to be hopeless when Yuna pointed out that its nearby.


Yuna nodded, "Yes, according to the PokéNav." She pointed, straight at a mansion, "Its here."

"Wow, looks like a old mansion. In one of those old movies people uses." Takato commented.

Alain nodded, "We should be careful there is no what's telling going to happen." He warned.

"That's true." Brock agreed.

"Yeah." Mairin said.

So they entered what seems to be the Fuchsia Gym, unknown to them that they are been watched by a Bug-type Pokémon, up in the tree.

So they entered what seems to be the Fuchsia Gym, unknown to them that they are been watched by a Bug-type Pokémon, up in the tree

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