S1>09: It's Hatching! Pokémon Tech School is...?

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Our heroes are on their way to Vermillion City where Yuna will earn her next gym badge needing only five more to enter the Indigo League.

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---- [Break Scene] ----

Right they were having trouble with the deep mist that was rolling in, but they continued till...

"Hmmm, I don't like the look of this. We should stop for a while." Mairin voice out.

"I agree." Yuna nodded, "This fog is so thick it's hard to see where you're going."

"You could also get lost." Takato added.

"How about a break, until the mist clears up?" Brock suggested.

The rest of the gang agreed to that plan.

Brock opened up his bag and started to pull out some equipment and items needed.

The gang will never know how the Breeder manages to have or fits all that stuff into the bag.

Yuna and Takato opinion he could have unlimited spaces inside his bag like them.

Brock also got out some Cerulean Coffee, some Tea and Prune Juice, along with Yuna's favourite; Chocolate Milk.

Alain took the Tea, Yuna happily accepted the Chocolate Milk and they were young for coffee, the kids complained about the juice they didn't like Prune Juice, till Brock pulled out Orange Juice and Apple Juice, that immediately brightened up the kids face.

"I'll make some French Creapes for a bit of dessert, but I need water and firewoods." Brock said.

"I'll go get the firewoods." Yuna offered.

"Than I'll get the water." Alain said.

"Takato, Mairin can help me set the stuff up." Brock said.

"Okay." Both kids nodded.

Yuna went off into the woods with Light on her shoulder.

----   [Break Scene] ----

As Yuna was in the woods, she spotted a Nidoran couple together.

"Aw, kawaii~" Yuna cooed, she took out her Pokédex and scanned the couple.

[Nidoran Male, the Poison Pin Pokémon. It's horn is larger than the female's and its toxic is for protection.]

[Nidoran Female, the Poison Pin Pokémon. Even though its horn is smaller than the male's its toxic can still be fatal.]

Yuna place her Pokédex away, "Light, Thundershock them." She ordered.

"Pika." Light jumped off her trainers shoulder and fired a electric attack, hitting the Nidoran couple well.

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