S1>19: Lavender Town; Mystery of a Ghost?

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Going to meet some surprising Ghost Pokémon.
Also a surprising new Eeveelution is going to appear!

---- [Break Scene] ----

After earning the Marsh badge, our heroes travelled their way to Lavender Town.

"Why do you want to stop at Lavender Town?" Brock asked.

"Well I wanted to say 'hello' to an old friend that lives here." Yuna replied.

"Oh! Were going to see him?" Takato asked.

"Yeah. Its been awhile." Yuna smiled.

"Hey isn't Lavender Town where Ghost Pokémon are found also?" Brock asked.

Alain nodded, "Yeah it is."

Mairin froze, "Ghost..."

Takato laughed, "Now now Mai, were not going to the tower that is the location of the Ghost-type." He said.

Mairin sighs in relief.

When the gang reached Lavender Town, it seem a bit spooky especially with the quiet sound and a deep mist was rolling in.

"Hey Yuna, Takato, does Lavender Town usually look like this?" Mairin asked, she was spooked out of the fog.

Both Ketchum siblings look at each other.

"To be honest, it does it quite misty here." Takato replied.

"We've been here a couple of time with our mom and cousins, but usually the mist only rolls in at night time." Yuna answered, "Something doesn't feel right."

---- [Break Scene] ----

Yuna and Takato lead, Alain, Mairina and Brock to their friend house.

Yuna's old friend was a boy, four years older than her; named Ken.

Ken has dark brown hair and dark green eyes, he wore a simple plain dark red shirt with black shorts with a pair of black sneakers.

"Hiya Ken!" Yuna greeted.

"Heya Ken!" Takato greeted.

"Well well, if it isn't Destiny and Courage, and I see Lightning and Zachary as well." Ken greeted back with a hug from Yuna and a pump fist from Takato.

"Pika! (Hello!)" Light smiled.

Zack barked, "Arf! (Ken!)"

The Ketchum siblings introduced Alain, Mairin and Brock to Ken.

"Nice to meet you all." Ken said.

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