S2>70: Pallet Town! Team Rocket? Rivalry Battle! A New Journey...

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‼️MESSAGE! Okay, I'm sure everyone has notice the new book cover for this Pokémon fanfic, yes I've changed it. I realise that it's quite annoying for me that is, to scroll down all the chapter pages to reach the one I'm working on (Typing on my IPhone Plus7). So I decide to change it and this is the end of POKÉMON SEIRES: BOOK 1. Thank you for understanding! Now onto the chapter!


----   [Break Scene] ----

With their adventures in the Orange Islands been them, they are now returning to the place where Yuna's Pokémon Journey began.

"We finally made it back home." Takato grinned.

"Still a beautiful place as always." Mairin said.

"Can't wait to see mom and everyone else

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"Can't wait to see mom and everyone else." Yuna smiled.

The gang agreed and continued their walk towards Pallet Town.

----   [Break Scene] ----

As they continued walking they arrived in front of the Ketchum's Home.

As they continued walking they arrived in front of the Ketchum's Home

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"Leavanny. (Welcome.)" Lady Vanny greeted them at the front of the house.

"Ah, Lady Vanny. Hello!" Mairin waved at the nurturing Pokémon, happily.

Lady Vanny smiled at the young child, "Leav."

"Lurantis Lurantis. (Welcome back.)" Lady Lura greeted.

"Roserade Rose Rose. (There is someone inside waiting for you.)" Lady Rose said.

"Someone waiting for us?" Yuna repeated.

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