S1>45: Pokémon The FIRST Movie

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... It all started on the 6th August.

A group of Scientists were walking through the jungle of Guyana.

There was a shrine, dedicated to the Legendary Pokémon Mew, there and in the shrine they found an eyelash from Mew and had plans to use to create a clone of Mew.

The thing is the head of Team Rocket, Giovanni, had paid the scientists to create a replica of Mew.

Giovanni had been trying to capture Mew for a long time, but he never succeeded, so he decided to have the scientists create a replica of Mew, so he could use that for his evil plans instead.

The leader of the group of scientists was a man named Dr. Fuji.

Dr. Fuji had been into cloning ever since his daughter, Amber, died.

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Once Dr. Fuji lived a normal, happy family life with his wife and daughter, but one day Amber tragically died from a car accident.

Dr. Fuji was absolutely distraught by his daughter death, so with her DNA he planned to try to clone his daughter, Ember.

Dr. Fuji's wife was not happy with what her husband was trying to do, sure she missed her Amber, but cloning her would not be the same.

Mrs. Fuji begged her husband not to do it, but he refused to listen to his wife and so she left him and left her wedding ring next to the family photo.

But Dr. Fuji still worked on cloning his daughter.

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In the scientist's lab on New Island, the scientists were not just trying to clone Mew and Amber, but three more Pokémon, Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle.

Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle were in test tubes, with pipes connected to the tubes.

The same was with the DNA of Amber and Mew.

In the end though, only the copy of Mew, that the scientists called; Mewtwo, survived the experiment.

Ambertwo, Bulbasaurtwo, Charmandertwo and Squirtletwo died.

Dr. Fuji was outraged that his daughter was now gone forever, but was relieved that Mewtwo survived.

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Days later, Mewtwo woke up from its slumber in the test tubes, he heard the scientists talking from outside the test tubes.

'Those voices,' Mewtwo thought, 'they are outside where I should be

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'Those voices,' Mewtwo thought, 'they are outside where I should be.' He suddenly glowed blue and the glass test tubes broke.

The scientists saw that and one of them contacted Giovanni at once.

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